Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Dear Parents,
Happy Wednesday!  How is your week going?  Chapel went very well today and the first graders received many compliments! It was so nice to see so many familiar and smiling faces there today! If you couldn’t attend, we talked about being “Easter” people and what that means…..ask your firstie! 

In Social Studies we have been talking about cultures and customs and how different countries have different ways of doing things.  If you think about it, this is also true in different states, different households, even different classrooms!  Share with your firstie and/or family about a time when you experienced a different culture or custom. It helps to make it more real for them! 

Information came home today about new book orders.  On the letter attached, I gave you the online code, in case you would like to order books online.  However, I have never done it, so I am not sure I can help you if you run into issues! :/  You can still send in the order and money with your firstie if prefer.  The due date for this book order is Friday, May 5th. .
The posed spring pictures that went home on Monday looked great!  Remember, you don’t HAVE to purchase them (and if that is the case, please return the entire packet of pictures)!  If you would like to purchase them, fill out the order form and send that back in. Thanks! 

Trinity will be having a blood drive on Tuesday, May 2nd in the gym from 1pm-6pm.  If you have never donated blood before, please consider doing this!  You may just save a life!  (I have to tell you that I did it for the first time last year, and even though I almost fainted, it felt really good to be able to do that for someone that may need it.  Lisa Morozinski promised me that if I donated again this year, she would provide a mat to put under my chair and a bike helmet….just in case!  Hahahaha.) You can sign up in the office.

We have new “privacy” folders for when we take tests!  Thanks to Addison’s mom who cut and decorated them.  

We also have a new pencil sharpener…..thanks to Owen’s mom for picking it up (the old one died)!  It is AMAZING how quickly the pencils sharpen now!  You should have heard the comments this morning….hahah….. It’s the little things, right?!?

Keep sending in pictures of the bean seeds growing...
Here is another many "green thumbs" in our class.....!
Blessings on the rest of your week!
Miss Gallagher
“Following the Signs”

Monday, April 24, 2017

Dear Parents,
Happy Monday!  Last week seemed to just sail by….and that could be because time seems to just be speeding up, OR it could be that there were a bunch of pirates in our classroom!

ARRRR-UGH MATEY!  The hope is that because they created eyepatches, the “ar” pirate sound and words will be memorable enough to stick in their brains!  Fingers crossed!

Apparently, we have a couple of firsties that have green thumbs!  Check out how BIG Nathen’s bean seeds grew….!  Again, it is up to you and your firstie if you are going to plant the beans in soil.  If you do, please send me pictures!  I want to see how the seeds progress.  

We have been learning about time to the hour and to the half-hour and now that we have learned about this, the firsties all seem to be more AWARE of it!  Take advantage of that and quiz them with the analog clocks that are around the house.  Or if you are out and about and see an analog clock, talk about it with your firstie!  

We have been working hard to prepare for Chapel THIS WEDNESDAY!  We are going to talk about Lazarus, Jesus, and how we can be Easter people ALL year long!  You are very welcome to come and hear our message…it is always nice to see supportive and familiar faces out in the pews. Chapel begins at 8:15am.  Hope to see you there!

This week is a regular week with our testing....Spelling on Wednesday and Friday and Memory test on Friday.  We will be having a Social Studies test on Friday and a Math test on Thursday.  Thank you for helping to prepare your kiddo for these tests!  

The plans for the Trinity Community Garden are starting to come together!  If you, or someone that you know, is interested in helping get the ground prepared, please let me know.   I am so excited for this opportunity that ALL of the students get to be a part of!

Blessings on your week,
Miss Gallagher

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Dear Parents,
He is RISEN!  He is RISEN INDEED, Alleluia!  What happy and joyful news that we celebrated this last weekend….knowing, that without a shadow of a doubt, that Jesus didn’t stay dead in the tomb, but rose again for us!  He paid the price for our sins, ALL our sins, and because of that we will be with Him in heaven one day.  The firsties painted a picture as a reminder of what Christ did for us!  I want to encourage you hang it somewhere it will be seen often!  

We shared our eggs and clues today!  Each firstie did a great job with their three clues and we only got stumped a few! 
An Easter Lily!

A butterfly!

A nail.  The third clue for this was "It hurt Jesus". 

Just a reminder that there are NO spelling words for this week but we will still have a memory test on Friday.  Thank you for helping to prepare your kiddo for that test.

Our peeps went home last week!  They had such a good time making a nest for their peep, naming their peep, writing about their peep, and babysitting their peep.  

Our peeps even went to lunch with us!
Speaking of babysitting….almost ALL of our beans have sprouted!  I am a little surprised that it didn’t take longer, but am very pleased!  Last year, it took a long time for our beans to sprout, so we tracked longer (at school).  If the want is there, firsties can continue to track the progress of their bean seeds at home, and even plant them and see what happens!  

This week we will be looking at the “pirate” sound (ar) in words.  This sound will be in our readings (stories) and word works throughout the week.  

How is the reading at home going?  The more that your firstie practices reading, and reading out loud, the more fluent they will be.  Keep up the great work! 

WE are presenting Chapel next week, and assigned parts will be coming home tomorrow. Parts will not need to be memorized, but practiced multiple times would be AWESOME! :)

Have a g-r-e-a-t week, resting in the arms of our RISEN Savior!
Miss Gallagher
"Following the Signs"