Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Dear Parents,
Happy Memorial Day (A little late)! As I said in the parent letter that was sent home today, I hope and pray that you had a wonderful weekend and were able to rest, relax, and spend time with family and friends.  Did you go a parade?  Did you go a memorial service?  Was Memorial Day celebrated at your church?  Every year, I am asked to go home to my parents’ church, and play “Taps” on my trumpet, because there is a part of their church service that is set aside to honor those people that have served in the armed forces.  Please say a prayer for those people who are currently serving and encourage your kiddo to do the same.
Planting on Friday went well!  We got all of our sweet potato plants and our carrot seeds in the ground!  We also planted flower seeds in the middle bed.  I will be sending home, next week, a summer schedule to tend the garden.  Please sign up for a week, where you can come a few times that week to check on our 1st grade bed (And they are now numbered!), water it, pull any weeks in the bed, and just make sure all is well!  Thank you for considering this!  Again, I am hoping that because we are only in charge of one bed, it won’t be AS daunting.  Below are some pictures of our planting! 

Nailing the numbers on the beds....


Carrot seeds...I didn't know they were SO SMALL!

"Dirt Art" as I like to call it....boy, oh boy, were our shoes muddy after planting....!

On Friday, we also read a book that I have been chomping at the bit to read to the firsties…it’s called “Twenty-One Elephants and Still Standing”.  I think it is a fascinating true story about the Brooklyn Bridge.  When the bridge opened in 1883, there were many people who were unsure at how stable and secure and long lasting it would be.  So P.T. Barnum (Yes, as in Barnum and Baily Circus) had the daring (and maybe a little crazy) idea to use his most prized possessions, his elephants, to test the bridge.  And so they walked from Manhattan to Brooklyn….21 in all….across the bridge and it was declared safe and sound (And no animals were hurt in the process!).  AND SO….the firsties were given the task of building a bridge to get all the elephants (well….to be fair, and as I am sure that your kiddo already told you, I couldn’t find enough elephants…so we used other animals and our imaginations) across.  They had to work in groups, which to me is always interesting to listen to and observe.  Below are what they came up with!  

We will be finishing up our geometry chapter in Math this week.  Here are a few pictures that were sent to me that are “found” solid figures at home.  

Continue to have your firstie look for them at home and again, if you would like, send them to me and I will include them in the blog. 

Our balloon POP started today! 

Owen popped the balloon today and it read, “Reading Outside With a Blanket and/or Sunglasses”.  So….please send your firstie in with a blanket and sunglasses (and NO sunglasses aren’t required).  Please also say a little prayer that the weather will be good for this fun little activity tomorrow!  Thank you!

Did your kiddo tell you what was on their desk this morning?  Our theme this year has been following the signs and I thought that this might be a good encouragement for our last days here at school. 

Just as a reminder, our Spelling practice test will be on Friday and our regular test will be NEXT Wednesday.  Our last Memory test will be on Friday.  Social Studies and Math tests on Thursday as well. Whew! 

Blessings on your week!
Miss Gallagher
“Following the Signs”

Monday, May 22, 2017

Dear Parents,
Whew!  It was a busy weekend and here we are, already back to Monday.  I hope that you had a great weekend! 
Below are a few pictures of the Trinity Community Garden work day. Thanks to the firstie parents; Mr. Tews and Mr. Giffel, for coming and helping…well, really…building the garden beds.  Mrs. Schwab had the great idea to place the garden beds in the shape of a cross, and so we DID!  Do any of you know someone that owns a plane?  Or a drone?  I would love to get an aerial picture of it before all of the plants start growing.  Speaking of plants, I am hoping to plant THIS Thursday.  If any of you have access to starter sweet potato plants, or know of anyone that does, please let me know ASAP.  Thank you!

For this shortened week, things will be somewhat normal with our testing…Memory test on Friday and Spelling tests on Wednesday and Friday.  For spelling this week, the sound we are concentrating on is long i spelled y, ie, igh.  Thank you so much for helping your firstie prepare for these tests! 

We learned about “solid figures” today in Math.  They are ALL around us.  Challenge your kiddo to find one of each figure in your house; sphere, cube, cylinder, cone, rectangular prism, and pyramid. See what they come up with!  If you don’t mind, take a picture of things that they find and send them to me! 

Just a reminder that BOOK ORDERS are due this Thursday.  If you know that you are going to buy $5.00 worth of books, and would like a FREE BOOK coupon, please let me know and I can send one home. 

Also, if your kiddo has a summer birthday and we haven’t celebrated it yet, please contact me and we can set up a day to recognize them.  

Blessings on your week!
Serving our Risen Savior and Lord,
Miss Gallagher

Thursday, May 18, 2017

Dear Parents,
TOMORROW is already Friday!!?!? How did that happen?  Do you ever feel like that…that the days are just flying by?! Really, there is just a little over two weeks left of school……BANANAS.   

We WILL NOT be attending that concert, so please disregard that.  We still have so much to do and are running out of time to get it all done.  However, the week that we get back from Memorial Day Weekend, we will be doing a balloon pop-a-day.  Every day we pop a balloon and inside there will be a fun activity we will do on the following day.  I will write you about what will be happening for the next day (watch their folders for the note each day)….I am looking forward to some fun stuff!

In Math we are studying shapes.  Today we created pictures with different shaped blocks….Here are few examples..Can you guess what they are?

*Hint....you have to look at it sideways....

In Reading this week, we have been concentrating on what we are good at.  We have talked a lot about how everyone has different gifts, and talents, and how even though it doesn’t say it in our story this week, we know that those different gifts and talents and abilities are given to us by God.  What is your firstie good at?  What are YOU good at?  Talk with your kiddo about YOUR different gifts and talents…..they may just learn something about you. 

Saturday is the Trinity Community Garden Work Day.  It will begin at 9am and will go until 1:00pm or sooner if we have enough people to make quick work of building the garden beds.  If you are able to come, please do so!  Bring your tools and your muscles.  Hope to see you there!

Blessings on the rest of your week!
Miss Gallagher
“Following the Signs”