Thursday, August 30, 2018

Dear Parents,
We made it!  First week down and I think that all the kiddos are starting to get the hang of being a big, ol’ firstie!  
It's true....!
 I have been sending home different pieces of information home throughout the week so that I don’t overwhelm anyone. I certainly don't want to do that!  
Did you get the yellow, September calendar that I sent home yesterday?  Please note that our spelling and memory tests will begin next week!  If you want to work ahead, you may do so (wink, wink!)
The bright orange Church and Sunday School sheet that was sent home today, should be filled out and returned each week.  Please mark down whether or not your firstie was in church/ss for that week, and then sign your name.  Even if your firstie wasn’t able to make it one of the weeks, I still need a parent signature.  I hope that makes sense!  If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask! 
I’m sure by now your firstie has told you about GoNoodle! I sent home a sign up/informational sheet, so that you can do GoNoodle at home!  We love it for our brain breaks and to get our “wiggles” out.  It is also fun to do at home, especially when your firstie can show you what we have done in class….then they can be the “teacher”!  We don’t do every channel, but some of our favorites are Koo Koo Kangaroo, Maximo, and Blazer Fresh.  We will explore some of the other “channels” too, but the ones that I mentioned before are the ones that we do the most. 
In Math today we explored different ways to make the numbers 6 and 7.  Ask your firstie what we did to try to show those numbers (hint, hint, hint, it involves disposable plates…).  

We have been practicing writing our numbers and letters, as a review.  Ask your kiddo what they use to help make sure they are putting the right amount of space in between their words.  

We also have been learning about how God created the world and how long that took.  Quiz your firstie and see if they can tell you something about what they learned (They can use the little creation booklet that we made to help them if they forget).  

At dismissal time, we have been learning a hymn to end our day, remembering that God loves us and that we are His children!  Here is the 1st verse….
“Go My children, with My blessing, NEVER alone! Waking, sleeping, I am with you, you are My own.  In My love’s baptismal river, I have made you mine forever, go My children with My blessing, you are My own.” 
Have a fun, relaxing, and very blessed weekend!  See you on Tuesday!  
Miss Gallagher

Monday, August 27, 2018

Dear Parents,
Well, we made through our first day as firsties! (The REAL test will be tomorrow though.....getting through an entire day of school....) 

Because it was storming this morning, we actually had Chapel in the Gym.  Throughout this year, we will be learning about different Psalms of encouragement.  Watch for more information about these!

After Chapel we ate our snacks (just a reminder that snacks should be healthy please) and had our bathroom break.  Did your firstie tell you that we took a quick tour of both the boys' and the girls' bathrooms?!?!  And we ALL went in BOTH?!?!  Lol......The reason for that was I wanted all the kids to see the paintings that were done in each bathroom over the summer.  It was actually a fun project and I am thankful that I was able to be a part of it.

We worked on a little Math, did some labeling, and packed up! Our time went fast today!

Thank you for sending your "jitter glitter" pictures!  Below are a few.....enjoy!

Because of the storms last night, sleeping was fitful in my household.....yours too?  Hopefully the storms are done and we can ALL get a good night's sleep. 
Blessings on your evening!
Miss Gallagher