Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Dear Parents,
Tomorrow is already Thursday!  Wowza!  This week IS flying by!

In case you haven't heard, we have had some illness in our classroom over the last few weeks. Please remind your firstie to wash their hands, cover their mouths when they cough and sneeze, and to not share ANYTHING (And I will, of course, do the same).  I would really hate for anyone to miss out on their Christmas celebrations!  

Thank you to all that we able to drive for our field trip on Monday! We had great weather for the trip, though there was NO SNOW, so it made “getting ready for the holidays” seem a little strange.  The firsties really enjoyed learning what life might have been like in the 1870s and how people got ready for the holidays.  Did your firstie tell you about all of the chores that they had to do?  Maybe you can add to their chores at home, now that you know what they can do! Ha!

Enjoy the pictures!
The schoolhouse is in the distance.  The girls and boys had to line up in two different line and then the boys had chores before anyone could go into the schoolhouse (They had to ring the bell for school to begin and also had to gather wood for the stove.)

Practicing their handwriting with a slate board and a slate pencil. 

There was a short Science lesson and the firsties did a little play about it!

Gathering dried spices and herbs for their little sashays. Did you smell the one that your firstie created and brought home?

All lined up for their play.

Concentrating to get their part right!

Look at what we made!  They smell so GOOD!
The homestead.  See the sled? 

Rolling out the "dough" to make cookies!

Pounding out the really DID smell good in there!

The wood burning stove in the you see the potatoes?  They would keep them warm on the stove and then take them on their ride in the sleigh to keep their hands warm. 


Does that look even to you? Hmmm....

We heard a story about Laura Ingalls Wilder and then got to enjoy a sugar cookie.  

All in all, it was a great trip!

If I don’t see you before our Christmas break, I pray that you have a wonderful, restful, and very special Christmas.  Enjoy time with family and friends! 

See you in January! 
Miss Gallagher

Sunday, December 16, 2018

Dear Parents,
Happy Sunday!  Thank you to all that were able to come to our Advent service on Wednesday night!  The kids did a great job; they spoke loudly (into the microphone), and clearly and conveyed our message well.  The other day we learned about Jonah and how he was a missionary.  We talked about WHAT a missionary does and WHERE a missionary goes.  We talked about we don’t have to leave the country, or the state, or even our city to be a missionary!  God can use us right here, right now!  On Wednesday night, WE were missionaries. 
For our prayer-partner activity on Wednesday, we had our all-school “Happy Birthday, Jesus” party. The kids were treated to some singing, Mrs. Feinauer read a book to everyone, and then were split into age leveled groups to do various activities!  FUN!  

Our field trip is tomorrow!  Please remember that we need to leave by 12:30, so please be here by 12:20ish, in order that we can leave on time.  If you signed up to drive, I am counting on you to drive!  Thank you!  If Mrs. Jore contacted about insurance or anything else, please stop by the office to update your information. If you are NOT driving, please don’t forget to send in your kiddo’s car seat.  The weather for tomorrow isn’t supposed to be too bad, so the kids won’t need to wear their snow pants.  They will need their boots and the rest of their snow gear since some of our field trip is outside. 
 Our book exchange is this Friday (so is our Christmas party!)!  Please send in the book that your firstie has picked out and make sure it is wrapped (if you choose to put it in a gift bag, that is fine, but it should have tissue paper in it to cover up the book).  Thank you!
There is no memory for this week but there still is spelling.  Please make sure that your kiddo is prepared for the practice test on Wednesday and the regular test on Friday.  
Playing "Memory" with our spelling words

Has your kiddo told you about our morning checklist?  Each morning now, the firsties have a checklist on their desk that should be completed BEFORE school begins at 8:00am.  On the list are the items that are a part of our morning routine; sharpen pencils, turn in homework, etc…  Thank you for having your kiddo to school with plenty of time to get ready for their day. 
See some of you tomorrow! Blessings on the rest of your evening!
Miss Gallagher

Thursday, December 6, 2018

Dear Parents,
It’s Thursday already!  Hard to believe that this time is going so fast (Some days I feel like everything is at warp-speed!).  Advent has begun!  And with Advent we remember that Jesus is coming.  Do any of you have an Advent calendar at home?  Here is a link to a printable Advent calendar if you are in need of one.  

I pray that in the business and rushing around of this time of year, you are able to take a little time and reflect of what this time is REALLY about….the coming of our Savior and Lord. 
This is our Christmas tree in the school’s main hallway….doesn’t it look sad?  
It needs to be decorated!  If possible, please have your firstie make an ornament to put on the tree (the rest of the school is doing the same).  All ornaments need to be on the tree by Wednesday, which is when we are having our “Happy Birthday Jesus” party! The theme is “Ring Out the Good News”, so a bell or an instruments or anything along those lines would fit the theme perfectly!  Thanks!  (Weekend project perhaps?)

In Religion we have been learning about the people of Israel and all that they went through to get to the land that God promised them after they were rescued from Egypt (and then at the same time have been starting to learn about Advent and the coming of Jesus….).  One of the things that we have learned about was the tent church that they built when they were out in the wilderness.  Pastor took us on a tour today of our church and so that compare and also to learn more about our church building. 
Pastor pointing out the "cornerstone of our church"

Here is our cornerstone, close up! Have you seen this?  Next time you are at church, see if you can find it.

Our "Trinity" stained glass windows at the back of the church.  Each one represents one of the three Persons of the Holy Trinity; Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

Pastor explaining all of the things in the front of the church.

Each firstie was able to go up into the pulpit and see what Pastor sees every Sunday. 

And....we got to go to the bell tower and actually ring the bells!  SO COOL! 
It was so neat to learn more about how many symbols there are throughout our church and what they mean.  Ask your firstie what their favorite part of the tour was!  (My guess might be ringing the bells up in the bell tower…) 

Thank you to all that have donated moola for the parent gifts!  The firsties have started and are super excited about this project (which has been quite fun!).  I have been taking pictures, but can’t send them because it will give away the presents!  (Hopefully, none of the firsties have spilled the beans…!)

Don’t forget about sending in field trip permission slips and money!

Book orders are due on Monday, December 10th.  Our classroom code is QHHQ7. 
Please continue working on your firstie’s part for the Advent service on Wednesday (December 12th).  All firsties will need to be at church by 6:45pm.  We will be meeting in the basement.  Thank you!  

Just a reminder of our two tests tomorrow….spelling and memory!  Thank you for helping to prepare your kiddo for these tests.  
Blessings on the rest of your week!
Miss Gallagher