Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Dear Parents,
Happy snowy Wednesday!  Were you expecting another Snow Day?  I think that some were, but I am, for one am actually glad that we had school today (I don’t like getting so far behind!). 
So pretty this morning!
We did our NWEA math testing today! I encouraged the firsties to take their time and always, always, always try their best!  Just a reminder that NWEA is only one portion of their assessments (In other words, I don’t base EVERYTHING on NWEA results…).
National Lutheran Schools Week is next week already!  There are fun things happening each and every day!  The theme for this year is Real And Present God.  How is God REAL and PRESENT in your life?  We are going to be talking about that quite a bit next week and throughout the rest of the school year.  
Just as a reminder, grades 1-8 are singing in church THIS SUNDAY to kick off LSW (at the 10:30 service).  The dedication for the expansion is at 10:00am.  The rest of the week is as follows:
Monday-Pjs and Pancakes Day
Tuesday- Color Day (our color is yellow) and concert at Faith Lutheran
Wednesday- Backwards/Mismatch Day
Thursday-Senior Citizen and Movie Day
Friday-Spirt Wear and Crazy Hat/Crazy Hair Day
It should be a fun week!  I am looking forward to celebrating together!

Morning Tubs are going well! Though I am sure that your firstie would tell you that there are certain tubs that are more exciting than other ones…ha!) Thank you for getting your kiddo to school with enough time to get ready for their day AND work on their Morning Tub. 
Making a story with the "story blocks".


Remember our memory test is on Friday. 
Have a great rest of your week!
Miss Gallagher

Monday, January 21, 2019

Dear Parents,
I hope that you had a wonderful long weekend and are ready to take on the rest of the week.  

Just a few quick things that I wanted to share with you…

Just a reminder that our latest book orders are due NEXT Monday.  Happy shopping! Speaking of shopping, I picked out 20 more books to add to our classroom library from the Meemic/Scholastic grant that I received! So exciting! 

We started our Health Unit!  Did your firstie tell you?  We learned about how much fruit we should be eating throughout the day (quiz your firstie) and on Friday, I brought in some different fruits for the class to try. 
Papaya....look at all those seeds!

Passion Fruit

The inside of a Passion you know what part you are supposed to eat? 

This is an "Apple Pear".  It was mild and good, but so strange!

This guy was so BRAVE and tried EVERYTHING!

She wasn't so sure....but she tried it!
 Ask your firstie which fruit they tried and which they liked.  So FUN!  I also would ask that you encourage your kiddo to TRY new things because our tastes change as we get older.  I am going to be bringing in veggies, different kinds of grains, and dairy products for them to try in the next few weeks. 

In Art class, the firsties have created “Selfies” or their Self Portraits!  Check them out in the hallway, close to the Gym.

On Friday, we had another Pep Assembly, which featured our cheerleaders and basketball teams.  So fun!  We have three firstie girls that are cheerleaders and they are doing a great job!  

Our 100th day of school is coming up!  Please watch for some things to come home that have to do with this special day, very soon! 

Don't forget about our mission of the month "Beacon of Hope".  Fill up the baby bottles and bring them back to school.  Thanks!
Finally, because of our days lost last week and the fact that we didn’t have school today, we are NOT going to be having spelling this week.  I am pushing spelling back a week.   Memory will be the same, so please make sure that your kiddo is preparing for this test on Friday.  Take home story bags are coming home tomorrow and you might recognize the books (They are the same books as last week!).  Please practice the books again and send them back by Friday.  
Blessings on your week!
Miss Gallagher

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Dear Parents,
Have you and your kiddos gotten back into the “school routine” yet? How is that going?  My guess is that your firstie is coming home pretty tired…Their teacher sure is!  Ha!  

I wanted to share a few pictures from before Christmas break, since I couldn’t really....  it was supposed to be a secret! ;) 
Did you like your gift?  Each firstie worked really hard and really enjoyed making these fun gifts for you!

Also, we were able to get a quick tour of the expansion and though the firsties were impressed, I don’t think that they realized UNTIL THEN that they won’t be using those classrooms for quite some time…LOL! ("5 years, Miss Gallagher?!?! 5 YEARS?!?!") 

We had a great time at our Christmas party!  Many, many thanks to Mrs. Anderson for planning and supplying all the goodies for the whole party, to Mrs. Beethe and Mrs. Mazure for helping out at the party, and to Mrs. Sheppard for providing the prizes.  
Playing Christmas Bingo

Making Reindeer necklaces

Enjoying homemade Christmas cookies and homemade hot cocoa ("Miss Gallagher, it's like we are at a coffee house...")

The mission for the month of, January is Beacon of Hope.  This organization helps women and families who require assistance in our local communities.  Each student is bringing home a baby bottle (it’s not a real one) that can be filled with change from home.  When the bottle gets filled, please return it back to school. 

We will be starting Morning Tubs tomorrow!  If you haven’t heard about them yet from your firstie, Morning Tubs are individual tubs with different Math, STEM, and ELA activities for the firsties to do AFTER their checklists are completed.  I have been wanting to do this for awhile and finally figured how to make it work in our classroom.  Fingers crossed that this works out well!

If your kiddo’s BOOK IT calendar for December is completed, don’t forget to send it in!  Just a reminder that the goal for our class is 20 minutes, 5 times a week.  When the goal is reached, then the picture should be colored in for that day. Thank you! 

Blessing on the rest of your week!
Miss Gallagher