Dear Parents,
Greetings from firstie land! As I am sure you can imagine, the level of excitement for EVERYTHING Christmas is at an all-time high at school! I feel like I could maybe peel them off of the ceiling…ha. But if it’s like this at school, I can only imagine what it is like at home. Prayers for you all!
Yesterday, our Superintendent of all the Lutheran schools in the state of Michigan, visited us for Chapel. He talked to us about his favorite light, when he was growing up. He actually brought it…but I think that he meant his favorite light as a grown up, not as a child… ha!
The season of Advent is about preparing for the birth of our Savior. When Jesus was born, He brought light and hope into a dark, sin-filled, world. Have you ever been in a room that was completely dark? Even the smallest light will shine into a dark room. Just as Jesus was a light to the world, God calls for US to be a light to others. How will you share the good news of Jesus with others? How will YOU shine God’s light for others to see?
The firsties have really loved the song that they sand for the Advent service, so I am sharing it for you and for them to sing at home! (Hopefully the link works!)
Spelling and memory tests are tomorrow! Please make sure your firstie is prepared for these. Also, just a reminder that Book Buddies and Take Home Story Bags MUST be brought back tomorrow. I don’t think that in the craziness of the holidays, that you want all that school stuff laying around…right? Thank you for your help in making sure that they are returned tomorrow.
Blessings to you and Merry Christmas!
Miss Gallagher