Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Dear Parents,

Just a quick little blog to share with you tonight!  Thank you so much for supplying all that we needed for the party.  The firsties certainly enjoyed all of the treats! It seemed as though they enjoyed the movie…though it is SO TEMPTING to talk to your friends during a movie when they are right next to you! ;)

Did your firstie tell you what their surprise was yesterday?  They were excited! Just a fun little thing to do to help make this shortened week a little more festive. 

If you make the playdough over the break, please take a picture and share it with me!  I would love to see it!

                            Ugly Christmas Sweater/Christmas Outfits… I LOVED them ALL! 

The firsties LOVED the Book Exchange!  Thank you for sending in a book for your firstie to participate.  :) 

Blessings on your Christmas celebrations, if I don't get to see you before the break.  
"Jesus in ALL Things"
Miss Gallagher

Wednesday, December 1, 2021


Dear Firstie Parents,

Happy Wednesday! Has your firstie been sharing with you what we are learning in Religion class?  It is almost unbelievable!  We learned about Elijah and Elisha, and how Elijah was taken into Heaven.  If you aren’t familiar with it, ask your firstie!  THEN we learned about a missionary named Jonah.  God asked him to go to a city called, Nineveh, and tell the people living there to repent of their sins.  Jonah didn’t want to go and so he tried to run and hide from God.  It didn’t work.  We can’t hide from God!  He is all-powerful and all-knowing and nothing escapes Him.  That is a little scary to think about, isn’t it?  He knows all of our secrets!  But GOOD NEWS!  Our God is a loving and forgiving God; we need only to repent of our sins.  Jonah was a missionary and he eventually did get to Nineveh to speak to the people.  He told them to repent of their sins and shared with them about how God is LOVE!  We don’t have to go Nineveh or Africa to share the Good News of what Jesus did for us!  We can do that RIGHT HERE!  I pray that God provides you with little opportunities to do just that.

I have SO MANY Christmas books and every year I can’t wait to share them with my firsties.  The book that we read on Monday, is one of my favorites.  The story “The Carpenter’s Gift” written by David Rubel and illustrated by Jim LaMarche, is a tale about the Rockefeller Center Christmas tree.  While parts of the story are not true, it IS true that when Christmas is over, the tree is milled for it’s lumber and used to help build houses for the organization, Habitat for Humanity.  The lighting of the Christmas tree at Rockefeller Center is TONIGHT!  I hope you are able to check it and if possible, your firstie too!

Keep working with your firstie on their Advent parts.  Remember, we are presenting in just ONE week.  The service begins at 5:30, but there is a hymn sing starting at 5:15.  We will be meeting in the church basement by no later than 5:15.  Thank you!  See you next week.


“Jesus in ALL things”

Miss Gallagher