Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Dear Parents,
We started our day with Chapel today.  Pastor spoke to us about All-Saints Day, a day in which Christians that have died, are remembered.  He spoke to us about how we can rejoice that WE are saints!  (Though sometimes it might not feel that your firstie is one…..)
Has your firstie told you about what we are learning in Religion class?  We have been learning about Moses and the Israelites and how they were finally able to escape from Egypt!  But as they wandered around the desert, they complained about their lack of food.  Some even thought it would be better if they were back in Egypt…as slaves!  God heard their complaints and provided for them what they needed.  He rained down manna from Heaven!  He sent them quails!  He gave them what they needed, when they needed it.  And if we think about it….doesn’t He do the same for us?  Maybe that is hard to recognize sometimes, but God in His perfect wisdom, always gives us what we need, when we need it.  We can thank Him for that!   
We talked about all of the things we can be thankful for, in fact, we made a list….on the pumpkin that we grew in the garden!  I have to tell you, though, that I was surprised at some of the things that they said….check out the pumpkin if you get a chance and you will see what I mean!

We learned about a new Unthinkable….”Topic Twister Meister”.  Ask your firstie what he tries to get us to do (this is sometimes hard for firsties….) sometimes!  Just to review, we have learned about these Unthinkables so far…”Rock Brain”, “Glassman”, “Mean Jean”, and now “Topic Twister Meister”.  Go through these with your firstie from time to time, so that they stay fresh in their brains AND so that they understand that these “Unthinkables” will try to get them at home too! 

Thank you for your support for ALL FOR BOOKS, the program that we do once a year to raise money to purchase more books for our school library.  I am happy to report to you……THAT FIRST GRADE WON AGAIN THIS YEAR!!!   (Sorry to yell it, but I am just a little excited…..ha!)  So because first grade raised the most money, I get to choose a book to add to our classroom library!  Wahoo! The book I chose is Mother Bruce written by Ryan T. Higgins.  It is hilarious!!!

Don’t forget about the spelling and memory tests tomorrow!  

It has been wonderful getting to share your firstie’s progress during conferences! 

“Flat Luther” is about to leave the building!  He will be leaving with Peyton tomorrow and he will be with for one week.  I am so excited to see what adventures he will have being with all of you!

Tom the Turley came home today….did you see him?  This is meant to be a fun family project, so please don’t stress about it!  Work together and I am looking forward to seeing what you come up with.

***I am sorry that I am posting this so late….I literally fell asleep on the couch at 9:00! WHAT?!?!

Blessings on the rest of your evening!
Miss Gallagher

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