Sunday, January 29, 2017

                                                           Sunday, January 30th, 2017
Dear Parents,
Happy Friday!  This week flew by but a lot of fun was had! The first grade class was able to start out the week by helping Mrs. Klauer with announcements and our pledges. 

Monday was our pancake (and they were delicious!) breakfast and we got to wear our comfy pajamas (this was my favorite day….). 

 Tuesday was crazy hair, hat, and/or wear a mustache day.  The firsties were very creative in what they wore! 

We also were able to spend some time with their prayer partners, playing games.  

 Wednesday was Career Day and the students went to a Bucket Filler’s Assembly where they learned about how to “fill each others buckets” and be kind to each other.  Thursday was Movie Day and dress up like your favorite movie character.  Students were able to choose what movie they wanted (each classroom was showing a different movie) and also got to snack on popcorn during the movie!  In the first grade room, the movie “Inside Out” was shown  Today was Spirit wear day and the Teacher’s Quiz Bowl.  It was very neat to see all of the different kinds of panther gear that was worn today!  Fun! 

Just a reminder, please don’t forget to send back their Take Home Story bags.  These are due every Friday and for the last few weeks, students have been consistently forgetting to bring them back.  Thanks for helping with this!  

Next week is going to be a somewhat boring week compared to the last few!  Just a reminder that we pushed back the spelling words a week.  So the words for next week are: ship, shop, which, when, whip, fish, goes, grow, down, new. Check out Spelling City for different fun ways for your firstie practice their spelling words. 

In Math we have been practicing using a hundreds chart and I sent an extra one for you to keep at home, so that it can be used at home as well! We also have been practicing skip counting by 2s, 5s, and 10s.  Here’s a fun video for your firstie to practice at home (It is also on GoNoodle, under the youtube videos!)
Our Chapter 7 Math test will be tomorrow and going forward, we will be studying tens and ones. 

Thanks for your prayers!  I am feeling better!  Here is a quick picture of my “nurse” for the last few days…
Josie wouldn't leave my side!

See you in the morning and I'm looking forward to another week of learning and loving in our awesome God!
Miss Gallagher

Friday, January 20, 2017

Dear Parents,
Happy Friday! Today was the last day of the 2nd quarter (ummm……WHAT?!?) and just like that we are half way through the year already (That seems a little CRAZY!)!!!  There is still so much to learn and so much to do!  Thank you for helping, praying for, and encouraging your child as they go through this year. 
Report cards will be coming home on Wednesday.  Please watch for them!
Just as a reminder…here are the fun activities that will be happening during Lutheran Schools Week, next week.   
Monday: PJ day & Pancake breakfast
Tuesday: Mustache/Crazy hair/Hat Day & Chapel Family game day
*All color on hair & mustache must be FULLY removed by Wednesday morning*
(students may bring in board or card games to play with their chapel families. Please be sensitive to younger students being included and time it takes to play the game.
Wednesday: Career Day, Chapel, Bucketfiller Assembly
Thursday: Favorite Movie Character Day (no weapons whatsoever,
dress needs to be appropriate/modest) & Movie Day.
Friday: Spiritwear Day & Teacher Quiz Bowl

It’s shaping up to be a fun week and I am looking forward to celebrating Lutheran Education and our great Lutheran School!

We were able to watch the swearing in of our new vice president and president of the United States today at noon!  We then prayed for the office of the President and asked that God be with President Trump and all of the leaders of our country.

Science books are going home today so that chapter 3 can be reviewed for our test on Monday. Thanks for reviewing with your kiddo!

See you on Sunday, to sing praises to our God.  We will be meeting in the basement by 10:15am.  Thank you!

Blessings on your weekend,
Miss Gallagher

“Following the Signs”

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Dear Parents,
It has been SO LONG! With all of the craziness of the last few weeks, there hasn’t been much opportunity to blog on a regular basis. 

This morning in Chapel, Pastor spoke to us about how we can YIELD to Christ and His will.  This is so hard to do sometimes….wouldn’t you agree?   There are times that Christ is knocking on our hearts and we don’t want to listen!  I pray that we are able to listen a little more closely to what God’s will is for us, daily.  

Today, we also learned about Martin Luther King Jr. and how he stood up for equality and how he fought against the injustices of this country…not with violence, but with love. After we read the story “Martin’s Big Words”, we talked about some words that we thought described him.  I was so impressed with the firsties’ list!  Words such as; determined, brave, loving, calm, leader, godly, were a few that they came up with!  We also talked about how he had BIG dreams and some of them came true!  A part of their homework tonight is for each firstie to write about 4 different dreams that they have for their lives.  Please make sure that these papers come back so that I can create a big of our BIG dreams! Thanks!

We are unto Chapter seven in Math!  Today we talked about the numbers 11-19; how we can make them and what their number word looks like.  Please review these at home! 

Tomorrow, I will be sending home the words for our song that we are singing on Sunday (It’s called “The House of the Lord”).  Please just have your kiddos go over the words a few times before Sunday.  Thanks!

Have a great rest of your Wednesday!
Miss Gallagher