Thursday, September 21, 2017

Dear Parents,
How has your week been?  I don’t know about you, but I am REALLY ready for some fall weather.  Fall just happens to be my favorite season; I love everything about it! Pumpkin spice (Yes, I am that girl…), football games, the gorgeous colors of the changing leaves, the crisp air, cozy clothes, and apple cider to name just a few of my favorite things!  I am praying that the weather will turn soon, so we can start to enjoy fall (I also think these warmer temperatures are making the kids a little bit squirrely!). 

Yesterday in Chapel, Pastor Sherry spoke about our theme for this year “A Mighty Fortress is our God” (hence the “fortress” outside of our classroom door).  Each month we will be learning about something new that helps to complete building a fortress.  He started with GRACE as the foundation of the fortress. In its simplest form and as easy way to remember what grace is, Pastor wrote this…GRACE stands for God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense.  How true is that?!? Because of what Christ did, for us, we will be able to enjoy Heaven someday.  Even though we don’t deserve it!  God’s love is SO great! 

Today, I had a chance to hear each firstie read.  Continue to keep reading at home and encourage your kiddo to sound out the word, look at the picture, or look around the sentence, before they ask for help. 

We also worked in groups today!  The kids were split into three groups; one was working at their desks on some short o worksheets, another group was reading with me, and the final group was reading to themselves.  Each group worked for 7 minutes and then would rotate.  Considering this was our first time, I thought it went pretty well.  I am looking forward to doing this more frequently!  
Getting cozy to read!

Working hard!

We are learning about verbs!  Has your firstie told you?  Talk about this with them!  Ask them to help you make a list or even talk about it at dinner (since eating is a verb!).  Hopefully, if we have time tomorrow, we will be doing a fun and creative activity that has to do with verbs.  

We are plugging away at subtraction!  Ask your first about some different words that we use when talk about subtraction (take away, minus, subtraction).  I will be sending home another choice board for this chapter.  

Please have your firstie bring back their book buddy and take home story bags tomorrow!
Also, remember that tomorrow is a half day of school (Because, as one firstie said, “The teachers have to go to teacher school…!”) and dismissal is at 11:30.  

Blessings on the rest of your week!
Miss Gallagher

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