Dear Parents,
Happy snowy
Wednesday! Please know that we are always praying for you, your safety, and to
have a good day.
As our school year
progresses, I have noticed that some firsties are getting to school later and
later. Please have them here as close to
7:45am as you can. It is so important
that each kiddo has time to prepare for their day (sharpening pencils, turning
in homework, using the restroom, filling up their water bottle, etc…) and also
have time to talk to their friends and mentally get ready for their day. Thank you for your help with this!
Tomorrow is our
100th day of school! It seems
kind of hard to believe! I am so proud
of how far this class has come and am excited to see what they will learn and
accomplish in the 2nd half of the school year. ***Reminder! Please
have your firstie bring in 100 of 1 item.
This item should not be overly fragile and please, please, please do not
go out and buy something. It should be
something that you have in your house. A
few examples that have been brought in, in the past are: Legos, cotton balls,
q-tips, pennies, pencils, etc… If you
have any questions, don’t be afraid to ask or message me!
Also, students may
wear clothes tomorrow that “age” them.
If they want to dress up to look like 100 years old, they can! Please do not dye their hair white (A wig
would be okay!) or send them in with makeup on. They should only dress up if they are going
to participate.
Take Home Story
bags are coming home today (I know that it is unusual, but because of the snow
day and all of the new stuff that came home yesterday, I didn’t want anyone to
get overwhelmed.) and need them to be returned on Monday. Please continue to have your firstie read
each story a couple times throughout the time that they have the books.
Yesterday the
firsties had a surprise waiting for them on their desks! Did your firstie tell you? I made them each a “Love Bug” that they can
keep on their desk until we celebrate Valentine’s Day (next Friday). Each “Love Bug” is different and unique….just
like each firstie!
I have been
allowing them to work in groups and pairs more often, and that has been
interesting observe. We continue to use our “flexible thinking”
and employ our “Super Flex” brains while we are here at school. We also try really hard to not let any of the
“Unthinkables” get in the way of being the best firstie that we can be! We will finish next week with our Math test
and any make-up tests that we need to take.
Just a reminder
that our practice spelling test will be TOMORROW, so please help your firstie
study! Thank you!
![]() |
Practicing putting our spelling words in ABC order. |
Speaking of
testing, we did our first round (well, the winter term) of NWEA testing
today! I will send home scores at the
end of next week. Please watch for them!
Blessings on your
In God’s great and
very powerful love,
Miss Gallagher
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