Thursday, June 7, 2018

Dear Parents,
Last blog! (insert frowny face…)
I want to tell you that I have truly enjoyed this class of firsties.  They constantly surprised me with their creativity and insightful perspectives…I learned from them!
I also wanted to say, thank you for your patience, thank you for your prayers, and thank you for your support throughout this year…I appreciate it all SO MUCH.  

This morning, Pastor Sherry finished our church tour and took us to the bell tower. 

The firsties got to ring the bells (Did your firstie tell you?)!  Check out the video below! Such fun!

The Trinity Community Garden is up and running!  We planted our gourds and small pumpkins yesterday. For the summer, I am asking that if you are around, please stop by and water our garden bed.  The better that we maintain it, the better (hopefully!) our veggies will be in the fall.  Our bed has the number 1 on it.  There is a watering can in the storage container that is out by the garden.  We get the water from the spout at Pastor’s house (because it is the closest water source).  Thank you for your help with this!
Field Day was a success!
Thank you to any and all of you that were able to be a part of it!  What fun and what a great way to end our school year.

Tomorrow is going to be a short and sweet (bittersweet) day.  Chapel will begin at 8:15 in the church and after the service there will be two short “moving up” programs.  You are welcome to join us!  When we are dismissed from chapel, all students will go back to their classrooms, and report cards will be passed out.  Please pick up your kiddo from our classroom.  

Blessings on your summer and I hope to see you around town!
Miss Gallagher

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