Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Dear Parents,

I saw this today and I thought that this was a GREAT reminder for us ALL!  I literally just said this to the firsties this morning.... because the last few school days there has been at least one firstie that has forgotten something.  It happens!  And it’s okay!  That doesn’t mean that I still don’t need your help at home with routines and things, but we are in week 5……so we are ALL learning to get back into the “school routine”.  

Have you checked out our “Pipe Cleaner People” to show verbs?  Each firstie had to think of an action that they wanted to write about, and then they had to create a person (themselves) doing that action.  They did a great job!  If you are able to, check them out for yourself!  

We are now in our 3rd week of Daily 5. If you aren’t quite sure what that is, let me explain.  The firstie class has been split up into 5 different groups.  There are 5 different activities that each kiddo has to complete throughout the week. Each activity is timed for 7 minutes and then the groups rotate.  A few examples of what we do in Daily 5 are:  Read to Self, Read with Miss Gallagher, Write the Room, Word Work, Trays/Boxes, Drawing Pictures and Labeling, and working on the ipads.  So far, we are doing pretty good with all of this!  I really like working with the smaller groups because I get to hear each kiddo read (It’s my favorite!).  Daily 5 does take a little more concentration and some of the work is more independent, so we are working on this!  Ask your firstie what their favorite thing to do is! (Yes, yes, I know that it is called Daily 5, and that we only do it a few days a week, but we are working on time management.)
"Read to Self" in our "boats". 
Using magnetic letters and baking sheets to practice our spelling words.
In Religion we have been learning about God’s promises to Abram and God’s promises to us. (I am hoping that I have said it enough in the last few days that they remember….!) There were many “roadblocks” in Abram’s life, but God promised him that He would be with Abram and would bless him.  God promises the same for us!  I am sure that you have had different “roadblocks” or “bad things” that have happened to you in your lives, but God promises us that He will NEVER leave us.  How reassuring!  

Tomorrow we have our practice spelling test, Chapel, and Library!  Thanks for helping your firstie remember everything that they will need. 
Blessings on your night!
Miss Gallagher

Thursday, September 20, 2018

Dear Parents,
I can’t believe it is already Thursday! This week has just flown by (Probably because we have been busy and working so hard? Yes, yes….that must be it!)! 

You might have heard about Calypso the sea turtle or “Diver Dan” and I am sorry that I haven’t filled you in earlier.  A few times a week we log into the National Aquarium Blacktip Reef Shark LIVE cam and we get to watch all the great sea life while we eat our snack or lunch.  There is sea turtle in the aquarium named Calypso who was hurt in the “wild” and only has 3 flippers.  We don’t see him every time, but when he swims past the camera, it never fails that the firsties get super excited! Ha.  Twice a day there is a diver, “Diver Dan” that gets in the tank to feed the fish.  The times that he is usually in the tank and when we are able to watch, don’t usually match up, but if we do ever see him = pandemonium!  If you ever want to watch at home, here is the link!

Did your firstie tell you about a few new things that we did this week?  Basketball Words?  Alphabet Karate?  Tic-Tac-Word?  Ask about them all!  Below are a few pictures of the new game that we learned, “Tic-Tac-Word”.  

As you know we have been learning about nouns, possessive nouns, and today we learned about verbs! Below is a picture of the list that the firsties thought up, and I have to say that I was super impressed! Stay tuned for a fun activity that we are going to do with pipe cleaners and verbs…..Hmmmmmm……

Just a reminder that homework that is not done at school, should be done the same night and returned to school the very next day.  We have had a few kiddos not turn in homework this week and I need your help on the home front to get your firstie into the habit of turning their homework on time.  Thank you!
Don’t forget to send back in the Take Home Story Bags.  Blessings on the rest of your evening!
Miss Gallagher

Thursday, September 13, 2018

Dear Parents,
Happy Thursday to you all! What beautiful weather God has blessed us with this week!  I hope that you have been able to get outside and enjoy it (And selfishly, I am thankful for hardly any storms this week….my dog is TERRIFIED of storms…. and fireworks….and a hard rain…and any loud noise in general….ugh….)! Also, Fall is my absolutely favorite season….so I am looking forward to cooler temperatures and all things associated with Fall. 
Today we talked about Cain and Abel and temptation.  We discussed that when sin entered into the world, we ALL became susceptible to sin.  But thank goodness God gives us tools and gifts to help overcome temptation.  One of those things is….. His Word!  Another is prayer!  He wants us to come to Him when we are in trouble!  Below is one of my favorite Christian bands and I wanted to share one of my favorite song.  It’s a good reminder that God is there for us ALWAYS! 

Did your firstie tell you who came to visit us yesterday for our Prayer Partner Activity?  We had three puppies come from “Leader Dogs for the Blind” and I couldn’t believe how well behaved they were (And their trainers couldn’t believe how well behaved the kids were!  Hahahaha!)!  

Our school wide goal is to sponsor a puppy, which costs $500.00.  As of yesterday, we have less than $100.00.  If possible, send in your offerings to help support this awesome mission.  Thank you!

We had more happenings for the building project, today at school!  There were trucks, and there was digging, and cement was poured! Yippie!  It is pretty fun to watch….especially the little kiddos!  They have been fascinated with it!  
The cement being poured for the "footings".


Digging some pretty DEEP holes! 

Take home story bags need to be returned tomorrow.  How did that go this week?  Did your firstie read each story a few times to you?  Thank you for helping your firstie to improve their reading! 
Don’t forget to check your firstie’s “take home folder” for any important notes or homework.  Homework needs to be completed the night it comes home and should be returned the next day.  Thank you for your help with this! 
Blessings on your night!
Miss Gallagher