Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Dear Parents,

I saw this today and I thought that this was a GREAT reminder for us ALL!  I literally just said this to the firsties this morning.... because the last few school days there has been at least one firstie that has forgotten something.  It happens!  And it’s okay!  That doesn’t mean that I still don’t need your help at home with routines and things, but we are in week 5……so we are ALL learning to get back into the “school routine”.  

Have you checked out our “Pipe Cleaner People” to show verbs?  Each firstie had to think of an action that they wanted to write about, and then they had to create a person (themselves) doing that action.  They did a great job!  If you are able to, check them out for yourself!  

We are now in our 3rd week of Daily 5. If you aren’t quite sure what that is, let me explain.  The firstie class has been split up into 5 different groups.  There are 5 different activities that each kiddo has to complete throughout the week. Each activity is timed for 7 minutes and then the groups rotate.  A few examples of what we do in Daily 5 are:  Read to Self, Read with Miss Gallagher, Write the Room, Word Work, Trays/Boxes, Drawing Pictures and Labeling, and working on the ipads.  So far, we are doing pretty good with all of this!  I really like working with the smaller groups because I get to hear each kiddo read (It’s my favorite!).  Daily 5 does take a little more concentration and some of the work is more independent, so we are working on this!  Ask your firstie what their favorite thing to do is! (Yes, yes, I know that it is called Daily 5, and that we only do it a few days a week, but we are working on time management.)
"Read to Self" in our "boats". 
Using magnetic letters and baking sheets to practice our spelling words.
In Religion we have been learning about God’s promises to Abram and God’s promises to us. (I am hoping that I have said it enough in the last few days that they remember….!) There were many “roadblocks” in Abram’s life, but God promised him that He would be with Abram and would bless him.  God promises the same for us!  I am sure that you have had different “roadblocks” or “bad things” that have happened to you in your lives, but God promises us that He will NEVER leave us.  How reassuring!  

Tomorrow we have our practice spelling test, Chapel, and Library!  Thanks for helping your firstie remember everything that they will need. 
Blessings on your night!
Miss Gallagher

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