Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Dear Parents,
Did you know that it was a full moon?  Or at least it’s pretty close to a complete full moon…Teachers can always tell…..lol.  The firsties were kinda chatty today…..

The tree close to our classroom is down!  Did your firstie tell you?  I took a picture and about two minutes later, it was DOWN!  We didn’t even hear it fall!  Again, our “landscape” is changing!  

We have been learning about Moses, the Plagues, and the Exodus.  Ask your firstie how many plagues that they can remember (there were 10).  We learned about the worst plague, when God sent an angel to kill all of the first born children.  However, God told Moses to kill a perfect lamb and take the blood of this lamb and paint it on the doorframes of the homes of the people of Israel.  When the angel came, it knew to “pass over” the homes that had the blood on the doorframes and they were safe. 

We, too, are God’s people and put “blood” on our classroom doorframe, to remind us of what Christ did for us.  Jesus was a perfect man, whose blood was spilled for us and because of that, we are safe and free and FORGIVEN!  

Two more days until our field trip!  Remember that if you are driving, you need to stop in the office and have your license and insurance information updated! Thank you! Please do this BEFORE Thursday.  Also, please don’t forget to send in your child’s booster seat with them if you are NOT driving.  The law, which we must follow, is children who aren’t 4 feet 9 inches or 8 years old, will be in a booster seat.  If their seat isn’t brought in, your firstie won’t be able to attend our trip.  Thank you for taking this matter seriously.  

There is no library tomorrow!  Your kiddos can hold on their books for another week. Please encourage your kiddo to read their AR book and sign up for a test.  Our goal is to have our whole class read one AR book, take an AR test, and pass a test, each quarter.  The end of the quarter is coming up quick! 

Spelling practice test tomorrow and don’t forget that our memory test is on Friday!  Thank you so much for helping to prepare your firstie for these tests.

I'll leave you with this great picture that I took outside of church this morning....Happy Fall! 
Blessings on your evening!
Miss Gallagher

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Dear Parents,
We have had a MUCH better week, so thank you for speaking to your firstie!  I really do appreciate your support on the “home front”.  I also appreciate all of your prayers…keep ‘em coming!  

There were some exciting things that happened around our building yesterday…did your firstie tell about what we were able to watch (even though it was just for a little bit)?  We watched the construction workers pour the concrete for the floor!  They brought in a HUGE crane and it got poured through a long hose, and then smoothed out.  It was pretty neat to watch.  This weekend the steel beams will be placed….the progress is good!  It seems that the “landscape” of our building is changing almost daily.  Make sure to check out our Facebook page or just check it out in person!  

The firsties got to play the Boom Wackers yesterday (I must admit that I was a teeny bit jealous…) in Music class!  

 They got to play along with the song “In the Hall of the Mountain King”.  If you are not familiar with it, below is a pretty neat video of the music (though it is not the video that they played with…).  Check it out! 

I am sending home today a bag that has math flash cards in them (these are for you to keep).  Please work on them at home as much as you can!  It doesn’t have to be every day, but the more that “math facts” are practiced, the more the firsties will have in their memory.  Thanks for working with your kiddo at home!  

Did your first come home yesterday talking about a carrot?  Did they tell you how we learned to use a carrot?  Ask your firstie about the different symbols that we learned about to use when we are proofreading!  

If you do get a jump on spelling words for next week….remember I flip-flopped them and we are working on the “review words” – yet, am, did, fox, pen, not, bat, fit, met, hug.  

Have a very wonderful long weekend!
Miss Gallagher

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Dear Parents,
Fall is here!  (Though it didn’t feel like Fall today, did it?) 
"Look at this COOL leaf, Miss Gallagher!"

Picking gourds last week was fun!  There weren’t a lot to pick this year, so we might (MIGHT) plant more in the spring.  Check out the pictures below.

Doesn't this gourd look like it has eyes?!?

Our haul...

The construction continues!  Last week they were RIGHT outside of our classroom and the firsties weren’t phased at all….lol!  

All of the noise seems to have become “second nature”.   And though it has become “second nature”, the progress continues to be exciting and the kiddos still have prayer requests at the beginning of the day for the construction workers. 

Did your firstie tell you about Spelling Bingo?  We played Spelling Bingo today and what fun we had! 

Because they handled it so well, I think that I am persuaded to play again in the future!  

Did you hear?  Journey's mom and dad got married this past Friday!  She (and Cam) stopped by to show us her pretty dress (and handsome suit)!  Such fun! 

A few reminders….
*Book Orders are due at the end of the month (Friday, Oct. 26th) and you can order at any time on-line. 
*Please send in the permission slip and the money for our field trip to the Midland Center for the Performing Arts.  If you signed up to drive, please know that I am counting on you!  Parents that are driving and attending the performance will also need to send in moola for a ticket as well.  Booster seats are required for all students under 4 foot 9 inches or 8 years old.  If you are no planning on driving, please send in your child’s booster seat that day.  Thank you!
*The carnival is THIS FRIDAY!  Lots of fun to be had! Hope to see you there! 
*Cinnamon rolls are going to be sold at church, this Sunday.  The rolls will be 4 for $10 or $3 each and you can preorder rolls if you would like. If you cannot pick up your rolls on Sunday, they will be available on Monday morning for pick up at school. The cinnamon rolls will benefit the 7th and 8th graders and their trip to Washington D.C.
*Speaking of Sunday, THIS Sunday, there is going to be a Hymn Festival at Grace Lutheran Church in Auburn at 4:00pm.  Mr. Beethe (Molly’s dad) will be playing the organ and I will be one of the trumpet players. I am looking forward to some great music, all to the glory of God!  

Have a great night!
Miss Gallagher