Thursday, October 3, 2019

Dear Parents,
We have had a lot of happenings in our classroom and I just wanted to share with you a few of the different things!

We have been learning about verbs and adjectives!  Please ask your kiddo about this!  Ask them to tell you what a verb is and ask for your firstie to tell you what an adjective is (and I will be crossing my fingers remotely that they tell you the correct thing…) The firsties were given the choosing a verb, an action, that they like to do, and using pipe cleaners, create that action.  They did a good job!  Check it out!  

Tomorrow we will be making “emotional pumpkins” to practice our adjectives! (Stay tuned for pictures of them!)
Did they tell you about our "magic word" activity?  Let's just say if you use a white crayon and then color over it with a is MAGICAL! (You should have heard their gasps!)

In Religion we have been learning about Joseph (the one who was loved most by his father Jacob and was also give a beautiful color of many different colors).  There were many bad things that happened to Joseph and yet God turned all of those things around for good.  He was loved by his father, but his brothers were so jealous of him, they wanted to kill him.  He wasn’t killed, but instead was sold as a slave.  God gave him the ability to interpret dreams and so when the Pharaoh began to have strange dreams, Joseph was able to explain them to him and he made him a prince.  Joseph’s brothers came to Egypt in search of food, Joseph was able to help them out and forgive them.  God used many bad things and turned them into good.  I sometimes wonder about the patience they must have had back then….the PATIENCE!  I get impatient if I have to stand in line longer than a few minutes. Thankfully God loves me!  Do you have bad things going on in your life?  Are you impatient?  Pray to God!  Talk to Him!  He wants to hear our frustrations and struggles!  Will He take them away in the snap of His fingers?  Probably not.  BUT He wants us to remember that He loves us like crazy and will never leave us.  He wants us to remember that He can use bad things for good...for our good. 

The soccer games and hayride/bonfire has been cancelled for this week and is rescheduled for next week!  Hopefully the weather will be better for us and we will be able to enjoy the beautiful fall that God gives to us.  (Fall is my FAVORITE!!! Crisp air, crunchy leaves, football games, pumpkins, apples, sweaters….I LOVE it ALL!!!)

How are the Math flash cards coming along?  Remember you don’t have return them for a few months!  I want the firsties to have a good grasp of addition and subtraction facts; I want the firsties to have them at their fingertips.  Work on them at home please! 

Remember that Take Home Story bags are due tomorrow!  Thank you for helping your kiddo remember! 

Did you see the message from Mrs. Friebe?  We have a possible lice outbreak.  Please check over your kiddos!  Thank you!
Blessings on the rest of your evening and Friday! 

Miss Gallagher

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