Dear Parents,
Happy Monday! If you
were able to attend the Song Service yesterday here at Trinity, what a great
thing were able to do…praise our Lord in song and music! As a musician, of course, that makes me
incredibly happy! One of the hymns we
sang yesterday was “O Sing of Christ” and the words were written by a local
pastor Rev. Steven Starke. The words in
the first two verses were so wordy and rich and filled with meaning……
O Sing of Christ, whose birth made known, The kindness of
the Lord,
Eternal Word made flesh and bone So we could be restored.
Upon our frail humanity God’s finger chose to trace
The fullness of His deity, The icon of His grace.
What Adam lost, none could reclaim, And Paradise was barred
Until the second Adam came To mend what sin had marred.
For when the time was full and right God sent His only Son;
He came to us as life and light And our redemption won.
SO GOOD! Praise God
that very soon we are able to celebrate the birth of our Savior and Lord coming
into the world. It’s because of Him we
are able to have the promise of eternal life in Heaven. I continue to pray for
you and your families during this holiday season.
Just a few things this week;
We will still have our regular spelling and memory tests, so
please make sure your firstie is prepared!
I am not going to be sending home take home story bags this
week, but if your firstie hasn’t returned theirs yet, please make sure it comes
back this week.
Book Buddies went home last Friday and can be returned
anytime this week.
As you know, our Advent Service participation last week was
moved to this week. Everything is the
same…we are meeting in the church basement by no later than 6:45pm. There WILL be an Advent Dinner from 5:30-6:30
and I believe the menu is spaghetti (not baked potatoes). See you on Wednesday evening!
Our Christmas party is Thursday afternoon (it’ll start
around 1:45). For our Book Exchange, if
you need some examples of books to purchase, read on! Here are a few examples
of books by Patricia Polacco: An Orange for Frankie, For the Love of Autumn,
Thunder Cake, Thank You Mr. Falker, Chicken Sunday, John Phillip Duck, Because
of Thursday, The Mermaid's Purse, Fiona's Lace....just to name a few!
A couple of Max Lucado's books are: You Are Special, All You Ever Need, Just
the Way You Are and any of the Hermie books are good! The books should be
wrapped (please don’t use a gift bag) and your firstie’s name written on the “From”
part of the gift tag.
If you want to send in treats for the party, that is fine
too, but it isn’t required. If you
choose to send in treats or snacks, please remember the allergies that a few of
our firsties have.
All the firsties will be cleaning our their lockers on
Friday and will be bringing everything snow/cold related home. I don’t want anything to stay here except
their extra school supplies and gym shoes.
I am sure that sounds like a lot, but a run through the washing machine
can’t hurt, right?
Don’t forget that Friday is half day and dismissal is at
Have a wonderful week!
Miss Gallagher