Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Dear Parents,
BRRRRR!!!!!  I hope that you are staying warm!  The firsties seemed to have a great time on our field trip today and not mind the cold too much (the adults that came along, might have said something different (and I am totally including myself in that)…)!  We started the trip at the Homestead cabin and pretended that we went back in time to the 1870s.   
The firsties were asked to help with chores and prepare the cabin for the holidays.
Rolling out the dough for the "cookies"
Pounding out the spices (side note...it smelled SO GOOD in the cabin!)
Polishing the bells that were put around the horses that pulled the sleighs
So pretty!
Then our guide read us a story, “Christmas in the Big Woods” by Laura Ingalls Wilder and we got a treat! 

On our way to "school" in the schoolhouse, we stopped by the barn and saw the sleigh. Ask your firstie what was put in the bottom of the sleigh to keep warm and what the people back then would hold in their hands to keep warm (hint, hint, hint....we passed it around and it is root veggie that you may eat often...). 
The firsties practiced their penmanship with a slate and “pencil” and then put on a play. 

 Finally, they were able to make their own little spice sashays by picking out their favorite different smelling herbs and spices, and put it in a fabric square.  Has your firstie shared theirs with you?  I was asked to smell almost all of them....and yummy!   
All in all, I hope that they learned what it might have been like way back then and I know that I am grateful for all that we have at Trinity!  

This morning, the kiddos walked into a surprise on their desks!  Did your firstie tell you?  Painted Christmas trees to get us in the holiday spirit!  This afternoon, each firstie made a Christmas tree garland to hang on their desk,
worked on a Christmas tree activity packet, and then were paired up and choose different materials to make a “stand alone” tree.  Below are the “fruits of their labors”.  
Working together is FUN!
It DOES look tipsy....but really did stand up on its own!  (See the pained tree on the desk?)

Almost everyone chose the cardboard....! 

Our Christmas party will be next Thursday, around 1:45.  If you are able to help with the planning of games and/or help with the party, please let me know! Thank you! Books for the book exchange should be under the tree by then. 
Don’t forget to send in homemade ornaments for the Christmas tree in the Lobby. 
See you tomorrow night for the Advent service.  We are meeting in the church basement by no later than 6:45. 
Miss Gallagher

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