Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Dear Parents,
I hope that you had a wonderful long weekend and are ready for our last few weeks of school!  

Just a few things that I wanted to make you aware of because of our shortened week…I am not sending home Take Home Story Bags this week and actually, I am not sending them home next week either!  So we are DONE with them. Thank you for helping to further and build up your kiddo’s fluency by reading with your firstie. 
Secondly, we DO have our spelling practice test tomorrow and the regular test will be on Friday.  Our memory test will be on Friday too!  Thank you for helping your kiddo study for these tests (last ones of the year!).  
Third, I am missing permission slips from a few firsties.  If you haven’t filled out and turned in the permission slip to go to the Midland Humane Society, please do so ASAP!  Thank you! 
Fourth, all students are no longer checking out books from our school library, but there are quite a few firsties that need to return their books.  I know that you received an email about the books that your child checked out and hasn’t returned, so I am just giving a friendly little reminder.

Our Balloon Pop Countdown is HERE! 

 For 5 days we will be popping balloons and doing the fun activities that have been written on a slip of paper inside the balloon.  Some of the activities will require that the students bring in something, but the majority of them will not.  For tomorrow, students will need to bring in a blanket or towel, and sunglasses (if they desire).  We will be reading outside!  This will give the firsties a chance to lay down, chill out, and read!  I will let you know each day what the popped balloon activity is for the next day….so please watch for FD messages.  

Birthday treats have started coming in!  Please, please, please remember that we have food allergies in our class and we don’t want anyone to be left out. 

Next week Wednesday (in the afternoon) will be our day to plant our gourds and pumpkins.  Please send to school “grubby” clothes that your firstie can change into (this includes shoes!).  Thanks!

Blessings on your shortened week!  Please continue to check FD throughout the week!
Miss Gallagher

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Dear Parents,
We started our day today with our “barricade” lock down drill.  Before it was actually called, we discussed it and then prayed.  The firsties did a great job!  The purpose is to do our best to barricade the door so that anyone that gets in would be distracted enough so that we could escape out of the outside door.  Mrs Klauer used her key to open the door and the firsties were absolutely still and quiet….in fact she didn’t even know where we were at first!  It is SO awful that we even have to discuss, let alone practice this kind of drill, but the reality is that we have to.  
This is our door barricade....

Did you get the fast direct message this morning, about my error?  I apologize for the mix-up!  The date that we are going to the Midland Humane Society is Tuesday, June 5th.  Please send in permission slips by this Friday (May 25th).  Thank you!

If your firstie has a summer birthday and you would like to send in a treat to celebrate please let me know!  I would prefer to space it out a little so that we aren’t having lots and lots of treats during that last week of school (And really, that is partly for my sanity too!).  

"Look Miss Gallagher....it's a girl in a skirt!"
Have you noticed that we are into geometry in Math?  We have been reviewing and exploring “plane shapes” (trapezoid (ask your firstie about that one!), square, rectangle, circle, hexagon, rhombus (ask your firstie how I described it to them), and triangle.  We have spent some time making pictures too (using the shapes)!  Next up will be solid figures (sphere, cube, rectangular prism, etc….).  
"Look Miss Gallagher! I made a flower!" 

A few weeks ago we  had a couple of guests…I am certain that you heard about it (and I am sure that you heard more about one than the other….)!  My parents were here and my dad brought Josie in for a visit and then read a few books to the class (Ask your firstie was a palindrome is….) (If they don’t remember, it is a word, phrase, or sequence that is the same backwards and forward.  We have a student in our class!).  

Tomorrow is the last day that we are going to check out books in the school library.  Please make sure that your firstie returns their books.  

Have a blessed night!
Miss Gallagher

Thursday, May 10, 2018

Dear Parents,
Happy Thursday!  Just a quick evening blog for y’all!  I wanted to also thank you so much for all of the wonderful treats and gifts you have sent in with your firstie! I DO feel so appreciated!  I also feel so blessed to be working with you and your firstie.  God is good!  

Did your firstie tell you all about our trip to SVSU on Tuesday? I didn’t realize until we were underway, that it was a first bus ride for some of the kiddos! 

  How special!!  Once we arrived at SVSU, we were directed to the bleachers to sit. 

While we waited for the service to begin, there was a slide show of pictures (on a loop) that included many of the schools that were in attendance.  Every time Trinity’s pictures would come up, there was LOTS of cheering and stomping and general craziness!  It was so fun!

 Once the worship service began, the kiddos seemed pretty engaged, especially when the songs came up.  They all sang with GUSTO (There is just something about a bunch of kids, singing their little hearts out; worshipping and praising God! I got goosebumps!) After the worship service, there was a quick little break and then the Chalk Guy began his testimony and chalk drawing.  It was pretty great to listen to the firsties try to figure how what he was drawing….there were lots of guesses until his drawing began to take shape. Did your firstie tell you what the end result was?  It was neato! 

 Then it was back to school to eat lunch.  Moms, did your firstie give you your Mother’s Day gift yet?  If not, I don’t want to spoil the surprise, but I will say that they all really enjoyed making the personalized gifts for you. 

Just a reminder that if you haven’t sent in your firstie’s spring pictures and/or money yet, please do so ASAP!  Thank you! 

We are singing in church THIS SUNDAY at the 10:30 am service.  Please have your firstie to the church basement by 10:15.  See you then! 

Blessings on the end of your week! 
Miss Gallagher