Friday, September 18, 2020


Dear Firstie Parents!
Well…we made it through our FIRST FULL WEEK OF SCHOOL!  (What are you doing to celebrate?  Perhaps spending time with family? Or with your spouse?  Or having an adult beverage??? ;) ) I have to say, that I am impressed at what the firsties have accomplished so far this year!  Thank you for continuing to work at home with them and for all that you do!  Please also continue to keep our class (and me!) in your prayers.

This week in Religion, we learned about a man named Abram (who later changed his name is Abraham) and all of the promises that God made to him.  Next week we are going to learn about how God kept His promises to him.  Are any of YOU struggling with this?  Knowing that God keeps His promises and knowing that He loves us, but struggling to see HOW?  I know that I am struggling with that, from time to time.  With all that is going on, it may be a little hard to remember that God DOES love us, He is there for us, and will NEVER leave us.  I pray that in your daily prayers, God can remind you of that.

The firsties have been practicing putting words together with the sounds we are learning, with our handy dandy blending board.  It’s been fun to see their expressions when they sound out a word, and recognize it…LOL. But then it’s also kind of fun to watch them figure out if the word is an actual real word. HA! 

When your firstie is writing their words at home, please, please, please make sure that they are writing their letters correctly…mainly make sure they aren’t starting their words from the bottom of the paper.  If they do, please give a reminder that we NEVER start our words from the bottom. 

We also began a new math program today!  Ask your firstie about this!  

We have had lots of time outside this week because of all of the beautiful Fall-like weather…(fall is my absolute favorite…football games (All these years later, I am still cheering on my high school football team (the Muskegon Big Reds), because they are just so fun to watch and so GOOD!), crisp air, changing leaves, bonfires, sweaters, apple cider, etc…it’s all wonderful.  I took this picture, because it was funny to me…the juxtaposition of the kiddos running around and playing, and the farmer working on the field. (Also, as I was taking the picture, I hear behind me a little voice say, “Look at that combine working!”  I am not sure why, but it still surprises me how many of the kids here know about farming and farming equipment.)

If you didn’t send in play-dough with your firstie, please do so on Monday.  Thank you!

Blessings on your weekend!

“Sent to Serve”

Miss Gallagher

Thursday, September 10, 2020

 Hello firstie parents!

How are things going at home?  I pray that as each week passes, things get easier!  We are actually starting to get into the routine here, which is so very awesome!

We are getting a new student tomorrow!  Her name is Zoey, though I heard that she went to Preschool at Trinity, so I guess that she is not new, new.  We are happy that she is back and will be joining our little firstie family.  

Yesterday in Chapel, we had a guest speaker from Valley Lutheran High School.  His name is Mr. Vincent and he also teaches Science at Valley.  He did a little Science experiment involving a few balloons....did your firstie tell you about it?  He compared US to the balloons and then he took a skewer and said that was SIN.  

The first balloon he showed us, he poked with the skewer and just as predicted, it POPPED! Then he covered the skewer in oil and spoke about what oil was used for back in Biblical times (one of the ways that it was used was to anoint).  He tried again and this time, with the skewer covered with oil, he stabbed the balloon, but it DIDN'T pop! 

Finally he took some duct tape and covered one side of the balloon with the tape.  And he spoke about how Jesus covers us and saves us from our sin.  So Mr. Vincent poked the balloon, through the duct tape, and again, the balloon didn't pop.  (The kids' reactions to this was great....ooos and ahhs....ha!).  What a great visual reminder of what God does for us!  He anoints us with the Holy Spirit, sent His Son to cover our sins, and LOVES us like crazy.  

Thank you for sending in your kiddo's favorite things!  We certainly learned a lot about each student...what fun! 

Tomorrow, is Patriot Day!  In remembrance of September 11th, we are asking that all students wear red, white, and blue.  Today we read the book "Fireboat", which is a true story about one of the fireboats of New York City, that provided water to help douse the fires at Ground Zero.  We spoke a little about what happened on that day, 19 (I can't believe it's already been 19 YOU remember where you were?) years ago, though I didn't go into much detail.  New York is one of my absolute favorite cities and I have visited it a few times.  I actually went to Ground Zero the summer after September 11th, and what a sobering experience that was.  When the towers fell, two of the beams fused together and formed a cross.  That cross was displayed in the middle of the rubble and a beautiful reminder of God's love.  

Blessings on the end of your week!

"Sent to Serve"

Miss Gallagher