Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Dear Parents,
The blog today will be short and sweet (like the firsties!), so that you can get to the trick-or-treating and to all that glorious candy collecting!  

We are going to go shopping tomorrow at the Book Fair.  If you want your firstie to purchase a book or two, please send in the money in a marked envelope.  

As we are now into the 2nd quarter, please double check with your kiddo to make sure that they are good on all of their supplies….especially pencils and erasers.  Some of them, I think, have woodchucks or pencil eating monsters hiding somewhere in their desks.  

We DID go outside today and it was a bit chilly!  Don’t forget to send in the warm clothes that they need to play outside in.  Thank you! 

Today was the last day to wear shorts until the spring.  I only mention it because there were a few upper grade kids that just HAD to wear them today….LOL! (Brrr….)

Just a reminder that Take Home Story bags and Book Buddies do not have to be returned until Monday.  

Do you know a Veteran?  If so, please invite them to our annual Veteran’s Day Service, next Friday, November 10th.  The forms went home last week and if you could please fill it out and return it to school (because we have the kids make name tags and also we need a count for the breakfast) by this Thursday (November 2nd), that would be great! 

Have a fun night and stay safe!
Miss Gallagher

Thursday, October 26, 2017

Dear Parents,
I wish that the computers had “smell-o-vision” because it smells AMAZING at school!  They are prepping for this weekend’s Harvest Dinner (Sunday 11:30-1:30) and if you have never been, it isn’t to be missed…yum, yum, yummy! 

Just a reminder that the choir, King’s Kids (grades 1-4), is singing in church this Sunday at the 10:30am service.  We will be meeting in the basement to practice.  Please have your kiddo at church, no later than 10:15. I am looking forward to praising God with our voices in song.  

So…come to worship and then get a fabulous meal and then go take a Sunday afternoon nap!  Sounds good to me! 

Please send in a mason jar with your kiddo by tomorrow so that I have a good idea of how much to buy (or gather).  Also if you want to send in a treat to share with the class on Monday, that is totally great!  Please just be reminded of the allergies that we have in our classroom.  Check those labels!  Thank you!

Dismissal tomorrow is at 11:30.  See you then! 

Blessings on your evening!
Miss Gallagher

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Dear Parents,
BRRR!!!  What a difference a few days makes! Weren’t we just sweating outside? It is supposed to be colder like this from now on (Though it is Michigan, so one can never be quite sure.). Please make sure to send your firstie with appropriate outerwear because unless it is raining, we will be going outside.  
In Religion class we learned about the last and worst plague that God inflicted on the people of Egypt.  He sent an angel to kill all the first born sons of the Egyptians. We learned that God told Moses to sacrifice a perfect and spotless lamb.  We learned that God told Moses to take that blood and give it to the Israelites to paint on their doorframes so that the angel would pass over their homes.  God’s people were spared because of the blood of that sacrificial lamb.  Sound familiar?  Jesus was that sacrificial lamb that saved God’s people (US!) from death.  HE shed His blood for us! Today we painted crosses on our first grade doorframe to remind us of what Jesus did for us. 

Today I was reminded again of my age! Oh my….. 
So, I have a cassette player with books on tape and I thought that we could incorporate it during Daily 5 time, when the firsties have their “read to self” rotation. No clue.  They had no clue how to use it!  We had to have a little mini lesson on how to use a cassette player and how to handle the cassettes properly.  So I say, LOL but in the same breath I say, UGH!!!  ;)

Flat Luther has left the building!  He has now embarked on his adventure for this year.  Watch for him to come to your family in the next months….!  

How is reading the Take Home Stories going?  I am seeing improvements in their reading aloud!  To see them grow in their confidence of reading, is so exciting.  Keep up the good work at home! Thank you!

Information was sent home last week about our upcoming Book Fair.  Each classroom has a box for monetary donations and the classroom that raises the most money, will get to choose a free book for their classroom library.  I will be sending home information next week about when we will go shopping at the Book Fair.  Please watch for it!

I came across this song the other day and I wanted to share it with you.  Have you ever heard a song, maybe even multiple times, but never really listened to the actual words?  Watching this video and actually listening to the words, stopped me in my tracks.  The first few phrases at the beginning I can’t stop thinking about! ”I can see the Promised Land. Though there’s pain within the plan. There is victory in the end. Your love is my battle cry!” Isn’t that our lives here?  We KNOW what is waiting for us, but living on this sinful earth is so painful and hard.  I pray that whatever is a “giant” in your life, that God’s will is done...remembering that there is NOTHING that is IMPOSSIBLE with God. 


Miss Gallagher