Friday, May 31, 2019

Dear Parents,
Happy weekend……already!  I pray that you have a good one!

I just wanted to share a few pictures from our first and second “Balloon Pop” activities.   

The firsties have been enjoying them so far and for Monday, our “Balloon Pop” activity will be a movie and popcorn (made by me and my air popper).  If you don’t want your kiddo to have the popcorn that I make, please send in your own.  Thanks!

Here is a picture of my new puppy, Stella! 
We also gpt a new friend for Fiona, and we named her, Alice! 

Did you read the newsletter that was sent home via FD? In it, there was a schedule for our last week (WHAT?!?!?! AHHHHH!!!)! Please check it out if you haven’t read it yet.
Have a wonderful weekend! 

Miss Gallagher

Friday, May 24, 2019

Dear Parents,
It has been awhile! I apologize for the delay in getting a new blog or two, to you! 

A few weeks ago my parents were in town and the firsties had a “mystery guest reader” (my dad!).  He read a story to them about “Mother’s Day” (which I know might not make complete sense, but it WAS the day after Mother’s Day).  He is a retired first and second grade teacher, so he loved being here with the firsties! 

Last week our story from our hard-covered reading book, was one of my favorites titled “The Dot”.  It is about an art teacher and one of her students who doesn’t think she is a very good artist.  But in the story, she is encouraged to TRY and ends up creating some really neat pieces of Art.  The firsties created their own Dot pictures!  Check em' out!

The bean seeds/sprouts are coming home today (And if you are curious as to what kind of bean seeds they are, they are Great Northern beans)!  This was a fun experiment!   Turns out that some firsties really do have a greenTHUMB! If you DO end up planting the seeds, please take pictures and send them to me…thank you!

Today we played “Shape Sudoku”.  Boys verses the Girls.  It was SO FUN!  They couldn’t believe that that was our Math for today!  Ha!

We, collectively as a staff, have decided to take a year off of the Trinity Community Garden.  We will NOT be planting anything this year.  I am looking forward to next year, though, and what we will plant.  

Have a wonderful and safe LONG weekend!
Miss Gallagher

Thursday, May 9, 2019

Dear Parents,
Happy almost Friday!
Since we have had some nice weather, we broke on the sidewalk chalk!  So fun!   I love to see all the different things that they have been creating (Of course, it isn’t all the firsties…..I know that for some of them, at recess, FOOTBALL. IS. LIFE.)!

I am sure that your kiddo has told you, but we took a little bit of a break from two digit addition with regrouping, to learn about telling time.  Do you have an analog clock at home?  If not, please use the paper clock that we created at school, to work with your firstie.  Help to point out clocks that you see when you are out and about.  The more they see clocks out in the real world, the more practice they can get and the more relevant (hopefully!) it will be for them.  

Thank you for all of your kindnesses this week!  I APPRECIATE them, all of you, your prayers, and your support.  What a blessing it is to be a part of this Trinity family.  

Mother’s Day gifts are coming home tomorrow.  Please make sure to check your firstie’s backpack.  

Blessings on your weekend and happy day to all of you wonderful mamas!
Miss Gallagher