Friday, January 26, 2018

Dear Parents,
Happy Friday to you!  I hope that you have had a good week and are ready for the weekend!   

Just a reminder that we are singing this Sunday, at the 10:30am service.  Students are meeting in the basement and should be to the church no later than 10:15 in order that we can run through our song a few times.  I am looking forward to having this group add their praises to the worship service….they are so excited!  (Has your firstie sung it for you?  In the last two weeks, if there is any down time at all, I’ll hear one or two firsties humming it, and then more will hear what is happening, and they will start and then it just catches on!  Pretty quickly the whole class is outright singing it and it practically brings me to tears!  Their sweet innocence and pure joy of singing a song about God is………just AWESOME.) See you on Sunday!

We are just trucking along in Math.  This next chapter, chapter 8, is about tens and ones.  We are starting to learn about the value of bigger numbers.  Today, I sent home a preview of the chapter and there is a hundreds chart on the inside….please hang on to this paper!  It will be very helpful to have at home! 

In Social Studies we have been learning about what communities, schools, and home life was like in the past.  We also are learning that communities can change!  This is a good time to share with your firstie a few things that were around when you were growing up, and maybe has changed.  Or have your parents or grandparents share too!  It is so interesting to learn how things can change and what impact that can have.  Also, when you share from your perspective, that makes it more real for your kiddo.  

Next week I am going to be sending home a small project that I would like you to do for your kiddo.  It is a surprise for Valentine’s Day and will be in a large envelope….please watch for it (the directions will be inside!)! 

Speaking of Valentine’s Day…did you see the permission slip that went home yesterday? The whole school is going bowling on Friday, February 16th(which is a half day).  We will be going in the morning and will need parent drivers for this event.  We will have a small party at school before we go (really a chance for the kiddos to exchange their valentines) bowling.  If you would like to send in something for the firsties to snack on while we are bowling, that is totally fine (but not at all required).  The cost of the bowling field trip is $5.00 per student.  The permission slip and money are due by Feb. 2nd.  Please send in an marked envelope!  Thank you!

The “Farm Bus” was a fun experience!  Did your firstie tell you about it all?  Hopefully you saw what they brought home (the green bean plant and the “farm charm”) and were able to have some good conversation about it.  

"Farm Charm"
 It’s been cold and there has been a lot of coughing and sniffling in our classroom…so I erred on the side of caution and we stayed inside for recess for most of the week….until today!  It was a beautiful day! Please check your firstie’s backpack because I told them to bring home their snow stuff to get washed.
Below is a picture of what a couple of the firsties created earlier this week during indoor recess. 
"Look Miss Gallagher!  We made our classroom!  But just so you know, you are the big domino and we are the little dominos...."   Hahahaha! 

Book orders are due on Monday!
Have a great weekend!
Miss Gallagher

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Hello Firstie Parents!
I hope that you had a great long weekend!  I received a lot good information from our conference at Valley Lutheran High, and I am looking forward to implementing some of what I learned throughout the rest of our school year. 

Yesterday we learned about Jonah and how God asked him to go to Nineveh to tell the people there that they needed to change their bad ways.  Jonah refused to go and tried to hide.  He quickly found out that that wasn’t such a good idea…and besides that, it didn’t even work.  After the kids heard about what happened to Jonah, there were a few “Did that really happen?”  “But really Miss Gallagher…..he was really swallowed by a big fish?!” “He stayed in there for three whole days?!?”  I don’t remember a class ever being as disbelieving as these kiddos were….hahaha!  It IS hard to believe, but we know that because it is in the Word of the God, it’s true. 

Did your firstie tell you about our “word surgery” that we did yesterday?  We learned about contractions… Here are a few pictures from inside the “operating room”….

This week we started learning about long vowel sounds.  It always seems to be a bit of an adjustment for them to switch from short vowels to long vowels, so reviewing over and over will be something that we will have to do!  

Have a great rest of your week!
Miss Gallagher

Thursday, January 11, 2018

Dear Parents,
First grade had a case of the “Mondays” today….not sure why, but whew! I hope that it is NOT contagious!  

Make sure you check out Mrs. Klauer’s newsletter tomorrow, for an update on the BFF (Building for the Future) Campaign.  It is important! 

Do you remember Super Flex and the Unthinkables?  Ask your firstie to remind you of who we have talked about (Glass Man, Rock Brain, and Topic Twister Mister).  We learned about another today….”Mean Jean”.  I am sure that you can figure out what she tries to get us to do….solely by her name.  It is always a good reminder to be kind to each other and that words REALLY can hurt.  
We completed these snowman this week!  It was fun little project and it was also a great exercise in fine motor skills (Kinda like sneaking in veggies to “good tasting” food!).  Wink, wink, wink!

Just a reminder that we DON’T have school on Monday because the teachers will be at a conference at Valley Lutheran High School.  
Look Miss Gallagher...We FINALLY finished it!   (They were SO excited!)
Tomorrow there are three tests…spelling, memory, and social studies (chapter 3).  Thank you for helping your firstie study and prepare for all of them.
Take home story bags should be returned tomorrow!
Blessings on your night!
Miss Gallagher