Thursday, February 27, 2020

Dear Parents,

How many of you ate a paczki on Tuesday, for “Fat Tuesday”?  (I told the firsties about “Fat Tuesday” last week and they couldn’t stop giggling at the name…lol) I ate mine over the weekend…and it was tasty!  Do you know why some people eat them?  What “Fat Tuesday” is all about?  It is the day before Ash Wednesday, and the beginning of the season of Lent.  Some people give up something for Lent, as a remembrance of what Christ gave up for us.  Some people, instead of giving something up, add something to their lives; extra prayer time, extra devotion time, extra worship time, etc… Whether you give something up, or add something to your lives, I pray that you DO take time to reflect on Christ’s ultimate sacrifice, for US…in order that one day we will be with Him in heaven one day.

Take a listen to this!

There have been a few pirates spotted in the firstie classroom, this week!  Thankfully, they have been nice ones….whew!  

Thanks for helping your firstie to create a pirate patch, for our spelling sound “ar”….such fun! 

We are just trucking along in math!  They are doing so well!  Our math test for chapter 9 was today!  For chapter 10, we will be adding tens and ones! Keep working on those flash cards!  

With the 3rd quarter nearing the half way mark, we are getting a little too complacent with school starting times, and with homework and studying.  Please remember that school begins at 8:00 and if the kiddos aren’t in their seats at 8:00, they are marked tardy.  Firsties need time in the morning to get ready for their day; sharpening their pencils, turning in their homework, using the bathroom, getting a drink, chatting with their friends BEFORE school begins, and starting their “bell work”. Please help me with this!  Thank you for making sure that your firstie gets to school in the morning, with enough time to get settled for their day!  Also, please continue to check your kiddo’s folder each and every night for homework and/or important papers.  

If you haven’t sent in the permission slip for our trip to Valley Lutheran high school, please do so by TOMORROW.  This is for the Joint Worship Service, that all of the area Lutheran schools will be attending.  We are riding buses to and from Valley and for some it will be the first time they ride on a bus, which is very exciting! 

Take home story bags are due TOMORROW!

Have a great night!

Miss Gallagher

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Dear Parents,

Whoa! I just realized that I need to catch you all up…it’s been a little while. 

First of all, did you know that your child performed surgery?!!

Yes!  The firsties did!  They performed surgery on words!  We “took words apart” and made contractions.  With the surgery, they all had to wear gloves, masks, and some wore hats and gowns.  They did a great job (though some found it difficult to use the gloves…) and hopefully it was a good memory and a way for them to remember contractions.  

Secondly, did your firstie show you their “love bug” from me?  Their “love bug” was their little Valentine’s Day gift from me.  Each was unique and special…just like the all of the firsties! 

Bowling on Valentine’s Day was fun!  I told the kids today that I was so impressed with how they cheered each other on and were so encouraging to their classmates…it was really nice to see. J

Did you have a nice, Mid-Winter break?  I was able to go home to Muskegon and spent a little time with my parents.  But while I was there, a family friend, passed away in her sleep.  She was a wonderful Christian woman and there is no doubt that she is with Jesus.  But, she wasn’t sick.  She was 71.  It rattled me a little bit, if I am being honest.  There was no warning!  
Then in Chapel today, this was the last verse of the hymn that we sang.  
(I am so sorry that it is sideways...)
What a beautiful reminder!  I KNOW that God is good and is in charge.  

Blessings on your evening,

Miss Gallagher

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Dear Parents,

Happy 100th day of school! (Okay….just one day late…) Can you believe that we are already on day 101?!!?!? I am still a little in disbelief that it is already the third quarter! Time is sure flying by!

Below are a few pictures of our day yesterday and the fun that we had! 

The firsties started their day with a little scavenger hunt I hid 100 Hershey’s kisses all around our classroom and they had to find them all.  It took some time, but eventually all were found! 

Each kiss had a number on the bottom and the kids had to match the number on the bottom, with the number on the mat. 

In the afternoon, instead of Daily 4, there were 4 different activities that each firstie had to complete. 

One activity was to create a “100 Monster” following the directions.  

Another activity was to use the digits 100, and create a picture.


A third activity was to find out how many licks it takes to get to the center of a tootsie roll pop.  Ask your firstie how many….(I think that most discovered, that it took more than 100 licks…)!

The final activity was to use 100 cups to build a tower, working in their groups.  Because of our smaller class size, the girls have had their own group and it is always interesting to me that, typically, the girls have a harder time with this activity, than the boys.  Hmmmm…..
So proud! 

"We had to put a lot on the bottom, because it kept falling over, Miss Gallagher."

"That was SO FUN!"

"We made it taller than us, Miss Gallagher!"

Thank you for sending in the 100 items! We discovered that is was interesting to see how 100 of one item can be SO MUCH and 100 of another item, looks as if it is not much at all.  

We had a total of 24 students sick in our school today…YIKES!!  We have been talking a lot about washing hands correctly and killing those pesky germs! 

Blessings on your evening! 
Miss Gallagher