Friday, September 7, 2018

Dear Parents,
Another week down!  How are you feeling about the start of the year? I am sure that you have noticed that I have starting sending a little homework home.  Please make sure that after your firstie does their homework, it goes back in their folder (at the Return to School side), so that they can turn it in to their numbered mailbox in the morning. 
How did the reading go last night?  Next week I will start sending home their “Take Home Story” bags…please watch for them!  In each bag there will be two paper books for the kids to read, out loud to you, a few times throughout the week.  The bags need to come back to school on Friday,  and the next week we start all over again!  Please remember that this isn’t something that it graded.  It is simply something for your child to practice their reading out loud, so that they can become more fluent and confident and we are learning!
Have you checked out GoNoodle yet?  I am sure that your kiddo has told you, by now, how much fun it is  We use it for Brain Breaks a few times a day, but only as a privilege.  If you need me to send home the info on signing up at home, again, just let me know and I would happy to do so.  

One of the things that we do as a part of our “Morning Routine” is calendar work, making a prediction about the weather for the day, counting how many days that we are in school, and praying.  Part of our prayer time is confessing to God that we are sinners and then asking Him for forgiveness.  Before we pray, I go through and ask each firstie if they have any prayer requests.  We’ve been talking about how God wants us to talk to Him and that He DOES answer prayers.  Sometimes the answer is YES, sometimes the answer is NO, and sometimes the answer is NOT RIGHT NOW.  Does your firstie participate with your prayers at home?  I want to encourage you to have them try! 
When we are finished with our “Morning Routine” and before the firsties go back to their seats, they give each other a sweet little blessing on the back of another firstie’s hand.  Ask your firstie what the blessing is…
In Math, we are starting to add!  Yesterday we talked about part+part=whole and today we learned the word, sum.  We will talk about finding the sum, a lot!  Talk about these words with your firstie. The more they hear them, the more they will (hopefully!) become a part of your firstie’s vocabulary.  

Don’t forget that we are singing in church this Sunday, for Education Sunday.  We are singing at the 10:30 am service and all students will be meeting in the sanctuary by 10:10.  I look forward to sharing our praises to God with you and the other congregation members of Trinity. 
Blessings on your weekend!
Miss Gallagher

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