Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Dear Parents,
Have you and your kiddos gotten back into the “school routine” yet? How is that going?  My guess is that your firstie is coming home pretty tired…Their teacher sure is!  Ha!  

I wanted to share a few pictures from before Christmas break, since I couldn’t really....  it was supposed to be a secret! ;) 
Did you like your gift?  Each firstie worked really hard and really enjoyed making these fun gifts for you!

Also, we were able to get a quick tour of the expansion and though the firsties were impressed, I don’t think that they realized UNTIL THEN that they won’t be using those classrooms for quite some time…LOL! ("5 years, Miss Gallagher?!?! 5 YEARS?!?!") 

We had a great time at our Christmas party!  Many, many thanks to Mrs. Anderson for planning and supplying all the goodies for the whole party, to Mrs. Beethe and Mrs. Mazure for helping out at the party, and to Mrs. Sheppard for providing the prizes.  
Playing Christmas Bingo

Making Reindeer necklaces

Enjoying homemade Christmas cookies and homemade hot cocoa ("Miss Gallagher, it's like we are at a coffee house...")

The mission for the month of, January is Beacon of Hope.  This organization helps women and families who require assistance in our local communities.  Each student is bringing home a baby bottle (it’s not a real one) that can be filled with change from home.  When the bottle gets filled, please return it back to school. 

We will be starting Morning Tubs tomorrow!  If you haven’t heard about them yet from your firstie, Morning Tubs are individual tubs with different Math, STEM, and ELA activities for the firsties to do AFTER their checklists are completed.  I have been wanting to do this for awhile and finally figured how to make it work in our classroom.  Fingers crossed that this works out well!

If your kiddo’s BOOK IT calendar for December is completed, don’t forget to send it in!  Just a reminder that the goal for our class is 20 minutes, 5 times a week.  When the goal is reached, then the picture should be colored in for that day. Thank you! 

Blessing on the rest of your week!
Miss Gallagher

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