Thursday, February 28, 2019

Dear Parents,
I am sure you have heard by now, but my sweet little dog, Josie, died unexpectedly in her sleep last Saturday.  She was 7 and a half.  She had been with me for a lot of changes in my life and to have her die so suddenly, was pretty devastating. This week has been a very difficult week for me and so I wanted to say thank you for all of your kind words, thoughts, prayers, and gifts.  I continue to ask you for your prayers as I continue to grieve. 

On a happier note, this past week we celebrated 100 days of school!  The firsties did a great job with their bags of 100 items and their clues!  Some of them we guessed, some of them were tricky!  Fun stuff! We also did five different activities, (in our normal daily 5 groups), that had to do with our 100th day.  Check them out!
There were 100 Hershey kisses hid all around the room and there were numbers on the bottom.  When I let the kids into the room, they had to find them all and put them on the chart above according to their number. Boy, were they excited about this!

"I found one, Miss Gallagher!"

It took a little while to find them all...and for a few hours, they were down to just two missing...and it was BUGGING them! 

One of our activities was to work together to build ONE tower using 100 cups.


  "This was FUN, Miss Gallagher!"

Each group created a different tower...interesting.....

They also had to create a "100 Monster" with special instructions...  (Those came home today...should be in your firstie's folder)

Count to 100 and then color the path worksheet

Spelled and wrote 100 words!

The last thing they did was use the digits in 100 and cut them out to create something new.  These will be hung in the hall above their lockers tomorrow.  If you get a chance, take a peek!  Celebrating 100 days of school was fun! 

Next month is Reading Month and we will be starting our activities next week!  Stay tuned for more information.  

Please help your firstie remember their take home story bags tomorrow! Spelling test and memory tests are tomorrow as well.  Thank you for helping to prepare your kiddo for these tests.  

I can’t believe tomorrow is already March 1st! 
Blessings on your evening!
Miss Gallagher

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