Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Dear Parents,
Tomorrow is already Thursday?!?!? Wowza, this week seems to just be flying by.  I have to tell you that the firsties are just ROCKING our spelling words these last two weeks…I am so proud of them!  Keep up that good work at home!  Here are a few ways that we practice spelling at school…!

Metal sheet trays and magnetic letters!

Writing our spelling words in colored sand!

In the next week or so, I will be sending home some math flash cards for you to work on with your firstie.  It doesn’t have to be every day but a few minutes, a few times a week, will help to get those math facts more cemented in their brains. FYI-We are starting subtraction tomorrow! (Please watch for the flash cards!)

We are starting to practice reading out loud at is that going at home?  We are staring to practice using inflection in our voices, so that we don't "read like a robot" (they LOVE that GO NOODLE....!). :)
A few weeks ago, my puppy (she’s 7 months old), Stella, was spayed.  She has been really good and is healing SO well!  But the other day morning, I got out of the shower to this…

"What, Mom?"
This isn’t something that she has ever done before and now I can’t leave ANYTHING out.  I have to remind myself that she is just a puppy and is still learning.  
Can you relate?  
Do you have remind yourself that too?  
Remember....every student is going to develop when they are ready and I always encourage the firsties to NOT talk about their grades and to not compare themselves to each other. God gives us all wonderful and different gifts! 

I am praying for you, parents,…your job is SO DIFFICULT!  
Blessings on the rest of your week!
Miss Gallagher

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