Wednesday, October 7, 2020


Dear Parents,

I know that is has been awhile since I updated the blog, and for that I am sorry!  The firsties have been learning lots and I wanted to share a few things that we have done. 

We have been working hard at learning some different grammar things; what a noun is, what a verb is, and what an adjective is.  Last week, each firstie created a pumpkin to match a specific adjective.  They did such a great job! (Ask your firstie which one they created...) Check them out below…

We also have been working hard at our spelling words and all of the different vowel sounds that we are learning/reviewing.  Along with different ways of reviewing our spelling words, one thing that we do is play the game, Tic-Tac-Word.  They LOVE it! So fun!

In Religion, we have been learning about Moses and Pharaoh and all of the plagues that God sent.  The last plague was the worst and God warned Moses about it.  He told Moses to have the people of Israel take a perfect lamb, sacrifice it, and paint their doorways with the blood.  Because they did this, the angel that God sent to kill the first born children, passed over the Israelites houses. They were saved!  We discussed how that is just like what Jesus did for us!  Jesus has man names and one of His names is the Lamb of God.  He sacrificed Himself, shed His blood, so that we are saved!  As a reminder of this, we “painted” our classroom doorframe too. 

Even though this is a little late, Carter’s mom got water bottle holders for all of the firstie’s desks.  They are a game changer! Now we don’t have to worry about wet desks!  Yay!  Thank you so much Mrs. Burr! 

Today was a beautiful day to take a few Fall pictures….isn’t it pretty and aren’t they so cute?!?!

Blessings on the rest of your week!

Miss Gallagher

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