Monday, April 10, 2017

Dear Parents,
Happy Holy Week.  I pray that you have a wonderful week and that you are blessed in your worship and remembrance of all that Christ did for us…for YOU!

Sending home the first graders religion books for homework today, was a little different, that is true!  But I really want to get caught up! As you saw, we are learning about some of the teachings that Jesus shared with his disciples and other people that wanted to learn from Him.  The firsties learned that some of Jesus’ teachings were called parables.  Ask your firstie if they remember what the definition of a parable is…(an earthly story with a heavenly meaning)

As I am sure that you know, one of the eggs from the preschool room, hatched!  Today, the firsties got to hold the chick and get their picture taken with it! Here are a couple of snap shots…..enjoy!  

Speaking of eggs….how is the “egg” project at home going?  Remember, the item that you and your firstie place in the egg should have to do with spring (and that includes Easter!).  The clues and the eggs are due next Tuesday, the 18th.  

This week we are going to be studying the sound oo.  This sound will be in the spelling words, in our readings, and on a lot of the worksheets that we will do this week.  

The next chapter in math that we will start is going to be about length and measurement.  

We will be doing a little project, hanging out with “peeps” on Thursday….watch for it to be coming home.  

Has your firstie been updating you on the progress of their beans?  I will take pictures tomorrow and will attach them to the next blog. I have to say that the kiddos are so excited about this little experiment!  

Just a reminder that tests will be on Thursday this week instead of Friday, because there is no school on Friday.  

Blessings on your week,
Miss Gallagher

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