Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Dear Parents,
Happy Wednesday! I hope that your week is going super well.  

Today began with our Prayer Partner Activity (yes, I know that I said that we were having it last week…but I was mistaken (first and ONLY time this year…right?)) where Mrs. Hurley spoke to the whole school about the mission for the month, Aaron’s Gifts from Home.  This is a mission that we will be collecting various donated items to send the soldiers overseas.  Please read the newsletter (via fast direct) for more information about what will be collected and when the items due.  The students all made cards to put into the boxes that will be sent. Please consider donating!  Thank you!

Did your firstie tell you about Calypso?  We got to see him yesterday!
Waving to Calypso!
 Calypso is a sea turtle whose home is in the National Blacktip Reef Aquarium in Baltimore, Maryland.  There is a live camera on during the day that we watch about once a week….the kids LOVE it! There is also a diver (Diver Dan) that is in the tank twice a day, but our schedule doesn’t usually match up to when he is in there, so we have yet to see him.  Here is the link if you want to check it out…

We did our first group work yesterday!  I think that it went pretty well, but we talked how we can be a good group member, which includes looking at the person that is speaking and listening to each other (which can HARD sometimes for first graders). We talked about activating SuperFlex, and not allowing Rock Brain to take over our thoughts and actions.

How is reading the Take Home Stories going?  Please have your firstie read each story (out loud) a few times throughout the week.  
Today we reviewed what a noun is and introduced possessive nouns.  Ask your firstie about this!
We had our first Fire Drill today and I was SO proud of how well they behaved!  There was NO running, there was NO screaming, and there was NO freaking out!  Good stuff! 

Blessings on the rest of your week!
Miss Gallagher

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