Friday, September 8, 2017

Dear Parents,
The firsties were a very chatty bunch today…whew!  However, despite their chattiness, we did get a lot done today!  We took our first memory test (The kids come up to my desk and say their memory to me,  which is somewhat private and hopefully not TOO intimidating!) and we took our first “real” spelling test.  Thank you for helping your kiddo prepare for these tests! 

Today we learned what a noun is…..ask your firstie about it!

Quiz them in the car, quiz them at the dinner table, quiz them at home!  It doesn’t take long and it reinforces what we are learning at school…..which is very helpful and beneficial! 

We are practicing and review writing our letters (today was b and e) and ask your firstie the trick I gave them to remember the difference when you write a lowercase b and a lowercase d (A lowercase b looks like a mama with a baby bump!).  

Monday, we will be talking a little bit about remembering what happened on September 11th.  I brought it up today and told them they are allowed to wear red, white, and blue on Monday (The whole school is invited to wear red, white, and blue).  We will read two books about September 11th.  The first one is called “Fireboat”, which is about the John J. Harvey that was the largest, fastest, shiniest fireboat of its time, but by 1995, New York City didn't need old fireboats anymore. So the Harvey retired, until a group of friends decided to save it from the scrap heap. Then, one sunny September day in 2001, it was called upon to help again.  It is a true story!  The second book is called “The Man Who Walked Between the Towers”.  Watch the video clip below (and I am sorry for the profanity), to learn about this!  We don’t watch the video, just read the children’s book….also a true story.
I will also bring in my pictures of Ground Zero. I have a friend who lives and teaches in Queens and I visited her the summer after September 11th, and really, it just looked like a huge construction site.  But the cross that was found, formed from the beams that had melted together when the towers fell, was on display in the middle of all the site, and I was able to get some pictures.  I don’t go into much detail about this awful day, but we DO discuss it as it is a part of our country’s recent history.  

Don’t forget that we are singing this Sunday, at the 10:30 service.  Students need to be here by NO LATER than 10:15 to warm up and practice and we will be meeting in the basement.  See you then!

Have a fantastic weekend!
Miss Gallagher

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