Thursday, February 8, 2018

Dear Parents,
Happy 100th day of school!  We have all made through 100 days of school already!  I can’t believe that the year is already half way over…It’s crazy! We had a fun day today!  I am sure that your firstie has shared a lot of what we did already, but I wanted to share pictures with you. Enjoy!
I hid 100 Hershey's hugs and kisses all around the you see a few of them? 

Once the candy was found, each firstie had to place their kiss or hug on the Hundred Chart.

There were numbers on the bottom of each piece of candy.

They did SO WELL! 

We found them all!  (Eventually....)

Smarties were enjoyed....yum! 

Each firsie brought in 100 of one item....chocolate chips? 

Or army men? 

They worked in groups to create a 100 cup tower.

So proud!

Everyone worked well together!

"Miss Gallagher, our tower is taller than us!"

Kali dressed like she was 100 years old today! 

Each kiddo used the numbers 100 to create a picture...glasses

A beach scene...

Finally, they had to follow the specific directions to create a 100 MONSTER. 
What a fun day! 
Ask your firstie who we read about in story time today. Ask them to tell you who Ruby Bridges is, what she did, and how she was able to do it. 

Spelling and memory tests tomorrow!
Blessings on your night and weekend! Don't forget to watch the opening ceremonies of the Olympics tomorrow night. 
Miss Gallagher

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