Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Dear Parents,
Happy Tuesday! What a day we had today!  Today we celebrated our final Balloon Pop activity, with the firsties choosing to move their desks wherever in the room they wanted. There were only two stipulations….#1, They still had to be able to see the board.  #2, Once they chose their “spot”, they had to remain there.  The places that they chose were quite interesting and maybe an exercise in some type of social experiment? I think that a sociologist might have had a field day with it…. Ha! 

Did your firstie tell you what movie we watched yesterday?  It was a Muppets movie….because who doesn’t love the Muppets? Turns out, this particular movie was a little too long for the firsties, but they did enjoy the popcorn. 

Their pinwheels came home yesterday (as least they SHOULD have) and that was quite a learning experience for me as well.  They turned out pretty darn cute, but were more difficult than I thought that they were going to be, to make that is.  Ah well…..it’s true what they say….you live and you learn! 

Our short field trip to the Midland Humane Society was great!  I know that they truly appreciated all of the donations that we dropped off.  We got small tour and were able to meet a few of the animals too. 
Might be hard to see, but the kids are sitting in front of all of our donations!

We were able to go outside and love on a little girl named "Bella". 

Remember that tomorrow is the day that we are going to plant in the garden.  We are going to be planting gourds and small pumpkins.  Please send in a change of clothes and shoes if you don’t want your kiddo’s clothes to get too dirty.  

Looking ahead, Thursday is the day we are going to clean, clean, clean!  Please send in an extra bag or two so that they can bring all of their things home. If you want your kiddo to wear sunscreen during Field Day, please send in a permission slip and the sunscreen (we can’t share sunscreen among the kids).  

The only thing that will need to be brought in on Friday is their take home folders!  After the chapel (Which you are welcome to attend!) service, we will all head back to our classrooms and give out report cards and say our good-byes!  Please pick your kiddo up at our classroom.  

Blessings on your evening!
Miss Gallagher

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