Sunday, October 9, 2016

Dear Parents,
Happy Sunday! On Friday, we began our day with prayers and blessings to each other and then took all of our tests (Memory, Spelling, and Social Studies…!  Jeez….their teacher is kind of tough!).  I haven’t graded them all yet, but from what I have seen, they did well.  

We have been studying verbs and on Friday, we used pipe cleaners to create action words!  Below are a few examples of how they turned out. 

The gourd sale went well!  We were able to raise $104.25 to go towards the Trinity Community Garden.  If you didn’t get a chance to get some on Friday, and you want some, we still have plenty.  Just send in the moola with your firstie!  I also will have more gourds available after church on Sunday. This weekend, I finished washing them, finally, and the grand total of gourds that were picked and washed is 525!  Yes, you read that right!  Our little garden produced 525 gourds.  Whoa.  This was such a fun experience and hopefully the kiddos enjoyed it as well.  We are going to have a garden again next spring and I am looking forward to implementing new and different things in the future!

This coming week is a shortened week so there will NOT be any spelling this week.  We will, however, be having a memory test on Wednesday.  Thank you for helping to prepare your firstie for this test.

At the end of the day, we usually sing the first verse of "Go My Children, With My Blessing" and we sang it for the first time in Chapel on Wednesday.  It was awesome to see the firsties' eyes light up when they realized that they knew the hymn and could sing along.  
Here is our class singing it...

I just LOVE the words in that hymn and it is a good way to end our day.... being reminded that God is with us, He loves us, and we are His! 

Blessings on the rest of your weekend!  See you in the morning!
"Following the Signs"
Miss Gallagher

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