Saturday, December 23, 2017

Dear Parents,
‘Twas the night before, the night before Christmas, and all through my house, not a teacher was stirring….wait….that isn’t right…! I have been “stirring” AND enjoying time with my parents and Josie!
This blog will be short and sweet because I just wanted to share a few photos from the last few days of school before our Christmas break.

With the help of Mrs. Schafer and Mrs. Dent’s toaster oven, we made some Christmas presents…..we hope you like them! 

Very serious work happening here....

Our Christmas Book Exchange went smoothly and I hope that your firstie is able to enjoy their book.  
We also played some games, ate some yummy treats, and just in general had a good time! 

Who KNEW that red Solo cups and pieces of cardstock paper could be SO FUN?!?

Ask your firstie about the games that we played!

One cup down!
Thank you SO much for all of the wonderful gifts that many of you blessed me with! 
Josie even received a gift! A fancy new coat that will help to keep her warm when it gets really cold outside!
I appreciate it all so much!
I hope and pray that you have a wonderful Christmas and are able to spend time with friends and family. 
God’s richest blessings to you!

I will see you two weeks! (unless I see you around town!)
Miss Gallagher

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